“History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and wooden shoes coming up.”
This is the sound of today’s Democratic Party.
The new left, unconnected to big money and industry PACs, has as its new icon AOC, who last year was a bartender. The sound you hear is the echo of her wooden clogs on the stairs to power.
The iconic democrats, Pelosi, Biden et al, are fading away. We hear the soft padding of their silk slippers as they descend the stairs soon to fade away or, given their ages, pass away.
Pelosi really blew-it in her NYT interview a week or so ago.
Pelosi said: "All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world… But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got.”
And this week in Philly, at the net-roots convention this week, the “Squad” were venerated as heroes and Pelosi was disparaged and her name was received with boos.
As Bob Dylan penned: "Something is happening here and you don’t know what it is, do you, Mister Jones?
Jesus, Pelosi is eating chocolate with Maureen Dowd and insulting the next generation. Millions in the next generation hear 1/20 of the Pelosi interview and are tweeting and instagraming and facebooking and having conversations orders of magnitude larger than the ones old media can create.
In the long term the Democrats will go where Sanders has been pointing for a long time.
But in the short term, in the interregnum, we have a big problem…
The schism between old and new in the party is no joke. The under 45 set wants a more socialist country: universal health care, free state universities, more aggressive control of polluters, subsidies of green energy, legal weed, much less military, publicly funded elections…
The old guard wants to be moderate. Not so fast on universal health care, affordable–not free–public universities, easy on the green stuff, we love our troops…
Worse, the old guard disparages the new and rising left. Pelosi laughed at the Green New Deal. When she did she forever lost the respect of millions, especially millennials.
The “establishment” democrats better wake-up and smell the coffee. The kids could very well do what they did in 2000: many decided that Gore and Bush were not really different and so voted for Nader. Or what happened in 2016 could happen again: the rust belt, who saw no friend in HRC, could stay home again. Wanna see this happen? Nominate Biden.
My big worry is that the party could split. This would neuter the left.
If Pelosi et al keep-up their current approach the Russians will find and push a 3rd party candidate that appeals to the young.
Think this is crazy? Most who are mad about 2016 still don’t know that the Russians created the Bernie Bros.