Sanctions didn’t work with Saddam, Desert Storm didn’t deter Saddam.
We only had two real choices left which was to invade or ignore him and ignoring him wasn’t an option. Saddam was ready to start invading other countries expanding his reign of terror which would have sent the entire region into war and chaos.
Remember what happened the last time oil hit 143.00/bbl?
Is it more stable now? No but if Obmama hadn’t sat there in DC with his thumbs up his butt for five years it could have been.
Really? They’re supposed to be representing the interests of the United States of America and her people, not the interests of Israel and the world’s ■■■■■■ population.
If Joe Lieberman had gotten elected you would be singing a different tune. He would have had us all up in Israeli business.
They are representing their constituents man/most of whom are very pro Israel.
If the US and Israel were antagonists then there would be a problem. We are however very staunch allies.
Now are the dual US/Israeli citizens serving in elected national office? If there are that would be in my opinion improper. No dual citizen should be eligible period.
Pretty much every foreign gov’t, and certainly all of our allies, lobby US politicians, it is their right.
Right because when the Declaration of Independence was penned and the bill of Rights shortly after, both were explicitly talking about the rights of foreign governments like Israel to lobby our government. Are you for real?
Besides the point and you know it. Feel free to point out any of the writings of the Founding Fathers that were in favor of foreign governments (or their citizens) influencing our government. There aren’t any. The fact of the matter is you would willingly surrender our nation’s sovereignty to our “allies”. I, on the other hand, outright condemn any politician that does so regardless of party. The Federal government answers to the people of the United States of America, period. The government is bound under the Constitution to protect the people of these United States from ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic. That includes members of your party who have sold us down the river.
Our own founders lobbied the French Gov’t for help during the revolution. Had they not done so we would have probably ended up in a stalemate and had to negotiate a peace with KGIII.
It’s constitutional and legal whether you or I or anyone else likes it.
Your position is completely ridiculous and unsupported by facts. Our Founders warned us as citizens about blindly putting faith in our own government and the potential for abuse of the citizenry as a result, yet we’re to believe they were in favor of putting our trust in foreign governments? Government is a necessary evil and thus should be vigilantly guarded against encroachment. Not encouraged.
It’s clear to me you are very naive when it comes to Service.
Most all of us enlist to protect our country and it’s Constitution for when the need arises. In the mean time we do and go as ordered.
When I was in Iraq I was following orders. Again when in Afghanistan the same, following orders. We were there to fulfill our commitment. Why we were there was above my pay-grade and we never questioned it. It was a job.
Sitting on the runway with the canopy up feeling the jet blast from the joker in front of you the last thing on my mind was protecting your freedom of speech while sitting in a coffee house bitching about the war.
I was pumped and having a grand time. While folks like you were crying over silly shit I was flying 200 feet above the desert floor at night having the time of my life. It’s a freaking rush.
Anything not expressly forbidden by statute or by the constitution is by definition legal.
Since the very same men who wrote and signed our founding documents also voted for and served themselves as lobbiests for the US abroad obviously they had no problem with the principle of one gov’t lobbying another.