The Truth About The 2nd Amendment

Well if that is the case they are free to go live in another country and put their money where their mouths are! I doubt they will though, as most are just cry babies hopped up on anti depressants all day long and where self loathing and complaining is what they are best at!

There aren’t enough of the stereotypical millennials in the Army to make a division.

And the last time it happened, not even the genexers were born yet. The last time it happened, it became a keystone to the awakening of America that the Government cannot be trusted.

It’s simply a fact that gov’t cannot protect us and is under no constitutional responsibility to do so.

Bad guys don’t wait to get started until police/military shows up to confront them.

I was going over some numbers from the DOJ today. Average armed robbery is over in under 2:00, average mass shooting is over in under 5:00.

Even though the Dayton shooter was engaged by fire from police who just happend to be on the scene, a very rare event, he racked up an average of about one casualty for every second he was active. The national average is one casualty every six seconds.

Average response time nationwide? In excess of 5:00.

She’s just making shit up as usual with no basis in fact.

Routinely surveys show an average of over 70% of those serving identifying as conservatives and those numbers go up dramatically in combat arms MOS’s.

Which is exactly why Democrats often try mightily to delay or disqualify absentee votes cast by deployed soldiers.

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No doubt when the demoRATS are in control , you can shred the Constitution !

That is their intent.

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I have to laugh when I hear or read that the 2nd amendment will be abolished , It will never happen, It would have to pass the house and senate and 3/4 would have to agree and that will never happen and no president unless he wants to commit political suicide would even sign an E.O .

Even Obama wasnt that dumb and he was inept, I remember when Bush 43 wanted to extend the Assault rifle ban and his colleagues did everything in their power to convince him not to do as extending it would cost the Republicans the house as it did with Clinton in 1994

The 2nd amendment is here to stay, you can ban all the crap you want , bumper stocks, this and that, but its staying.

The 2nd Amendment may never be abolished, but its intended purpose has been abolished, and probably will never return to its intended purpose.

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Tyranny is alive and thriving in China , Russia , Cuba , Venezuela and the Democratic party just to name a few !
America will never out grow the Second Amendment .

I agree, the only Libtards we had were supply MOS’s.

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You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried.

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Alright, I’ll try. Just what is the intended purpose of the 2nd Amendment? Was it to protect the rights of people to have guns so they could hunt? No, because the 2nd Amendment says nothing about hunting. Was it about keeping guns for self defense? No, because the Amendment says nothing about self defense. What it says is that the people are to have guns to protect the security of a free state, and to do that we must have well regulated militia. Where are the militias? It is not the U.S. Military, it is not the National Guard. The NRA says nothing about forming militias. The government has passed laws to make the 2nd Amendment useless as far as protecting the security of a free state. They, the government, do this because they don’t want a free state!

the purpose of the second amendment is to prohibit the federal government on infringing on peoples right to own guns

Individual states applies their own rules , see constitution of each state but they are not bounded by federal laws such as the second amendment

You’re a bit off. You cannot have a free state/society without the right to self defense and the means with which to act on it.

In the colonial era the primary danger to people were Indian raids on rural farms and small towns.

When you started shooting your neighbors heard the ruckus, grabbed their guns and they formed up a local militia to defend your house/farm.

If the raid hit in town the opposite happened. While the townies engaged them with their own weapons the farmers in the area grabbed their weapons formed up a militia and went to town to defend the town.

It is the 2nd Amendment that protects all of your rights because without it, we’re nothing but subjects subject to the whims of power mongers, criminals, and the oppression by the majority.

Yes they certainly are, see “incorporation”.

Further look at the text of the amendment itself. It’s the “Right of The People”, not the “Right of The States”.

‘Afghanistan’ must be the most breath-taking fiasco in the history of the US military, and that isn’t taking into the account the monetary cost of it, and worse, the number of young lives which have been either lost or destroyed post-demobilisation. I must’ve watched Bitter Lake about 15 times, and every time that I watch it, it’s with even more disbelief how the US was so easily given the runaround by a bunch of bloody hillbillies. Even the Afghan kids in the film were laughing in disbelief.

And now you’re conducting peace talks with the Taliban, and it’ll start all over again! :roll_eyes: Do not your Pentagon and politicians understand the art of warfare or something? Or are they just unbelievably naive? Or stupid??

You are off topic! This thread is about the 2nd Amendment not about our military adventurism! If you feel so strongly about criticising our military then I suggest you create a thread of your own to explore this topic further!

You’re actually completely wrong. From a military standpoint it is one of the best missions we’ve ever embarked on. Extremely heavy enemy casualties, very minimal collateral damage due to precision strikes and small force operations.

Politically it’s a disaster because after the first two years or so the democrats decided to no longer support the operation so instead of fighting an aggressive offensive war to destroy the enemy we started treating it like a UN operation.

The politicians screwed it up convincingly, the military did it’s job magnificently.

Actually it’s on topic since it shows how a determined insurgency equipped almost exclusively with worn out, out of date, obsolete weapons can in the end defeat the most modern armies on earth in a war of attrition.