The Trump Administration Is Becoming Strangely Anti-Gun

You are right (for once.) Trump has never been pro-gun nor has he ever been a conservative, he just pandered to conservatives on the gun issue to get their votes. By no stretch of the imagination is he a pro-gun person. In fact, he’s not much of a fan of the Constitution as a whole. But he is still better on both points than Hillary was and better than all of the Democrats running for his job in 2020 as well.

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In general that is correct, but he made his last anti-gun rights commenents after the NRA (La Perrier) squeezed his nuts.

Placating the mass hysteria. His handlers aren’t going to let him commit political suicide in an election year or just prior to same.

My view is that Trump is flapping in the breeze and is just going through the motions.

Trump is not a politician but he wants to be reelected there is no way he gets reelected if he dumps on the legal gun owners of America !
He is not a shooter put most members of congress aren’t either .
As long as we stand united and let congress know our position on gun issues support the N.R.A , G.O.A and any pro Second Amendment candidate we can prevail .
Don’t believe the polls there are more citizens with us then against us !

Some Trump supporters have acknowledged that he doesn’t care about guns or the constitution, and is no conservative. There’s even regular admission that they don’t like Trump the person.

Be that what it may .
Trump has done more for working Americans and American manufactures then any President period .
Congress gave away our jobs our work and our livelihood to the highest bidder !
Trump stopped the bleeding and turned the corner on trade and illegal aliens that depressed working class wages !
Trump reduced taxes on corporations so that American manufactures could compete with the rest of the world economy’s and employ more American citizens .
He may not be everyone’s cup of tea but if you work for a living it in your best interest to see him elected again !
He has stood for the Second Amendment put two pro Second Amendment judges on the Supreme Court that has changed that court for decades .

No, there’s no period to that. That’s very subjective, and while some working Americans may claim to have been benefitted, there’s no consensus on that.

But besides the point, Germany once went for a complete maniac that improved the economy…and it led to war and their demise.

We now have the very real possibility of the same here as with Trump’s idiotic economic war that’s a blow to good economy and hurting global economy.

Cognitive dissonance really sucks doesn’t it? Shit man! You need some spike in your soy latte!

Trump did deliver a tax cut, but he didn’t pay for it. The result, the 19.8 trillion dollar debt that he pledged to eliminate, is now 23 trillion and the balanced budgets he PROMISED, bragging as he does that were so easy, are actually RECORD deficits.

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The United States has 12.75 million manufacturing jobs , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics . That employs 8.5 percent of the workforce. These jobs pay 12 percent more than all others. In 2017 , they earned an average of $84,832 per worker.

Employment Rate in the United States increased to 60.70 percent in July from 60.60 percent in June of 2019 . Employment Rate in the United States averaged 59.35 percent from 1950 until 2019 , reaching an all time high of 64.70 percent in April of 2000 and a record low of 55 percent in July of 1954.

Yeah, I think that Bush was the first one that thought it was GREAT when an American told him they were working three jobs. Otherwise, we all know the tricks all presidents play with employment stats.

President Barack Obama had the largest deficits. By the end of his final budget, FY 2017, his deficits totaled $6.785 trillion. Obama took office during the Great Recession. He immediately needed to spend billions to stop it. He convinced Congress to add $253 billion from the economic stimulus package to Bush’s FY 2009 budget. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act added another $534 billion over the rest of Obama’s terms.

Four Factors That Influence the Deficit

There are four factors that can influence each president’s deficit.

  1. The president has no control over the mandatory budget or its deficit. That includes Social Security and Medicare benefits. These are the two biggest expenses any president has. The mandatory budget estimates what these programs will cost. The acts of Congress that created the programs also mandate the spending. Unless the president can get Congress to remove or change them, he’s got to live with that spending.

  2. The Constitution gave Congress, not the president, the power to control spending. The president’s budget is just a starting point. Each house of Congress prepares a discretionary spending budget. They combine them into the final budget that the president reviews and signs. If a hitch in the budget process keeps the proposed budget from being signed into law, Congress can choose to keep their agencies running at the current budget levels or it can initiate a government shutdown. This shutdown actually happened in 2013 and 2018.

  3. Each president inherits many of his predecessors’ policies. For example, every president suffered from lower revenue. That’s a result of President Reagan’s and President Bush’s tax cuts. Presidents who raise taxes quickly become unpopular. As a result, tax cuts rarely disappear.

In 2010, the Obama tax cut added $858 billion in deficits in its first two years. Obama increased defense spending, totaling $800 billion a year. Federal income decreased due to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis.

Not only are Trump’s the highest, he’s the braggart that pledged to eliminate the national debt, and run balanced budgets…:thinking:

In raw terms, Trump added the second-most debt of any recent president. According to the Treasury data, the US added $2.07 trillion — $2,065,536,336,472.90 to be exact — in new debt between Trump’s inauguration on January 20, 2017, and February 11, when the country pushed past $22 trillion. (The US added another $2.8 billion through February 15, the latest daily figures available.)

That is less than the $3.46 trillion added between Obama’s inauguration in January 2009 and February 11, 2011, but it is more than the $676 billion added under Bush and the $617 billion added under Clinton in their first 752 days as president.

Oh, Trump’s in good shape because he’s only added the SECOND most to the national debt…:rofl:

Here’s the POINT!!! He pledged to eliminate it, so…instead of increasing, it should be decreasing. More embarrassing was his bragging promise to run balanced budgets because he’s the consummate businessman and after all “balanced budgets are easy”…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yep, like his predecessor, the national debt doubled under Obama.

But again, the braggart in the White House pledged to ELIMINATE it. He and you should be embarrassed to even talk about national debt…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Presidents have lots of controls and influence over Congress. Congress makes the law and the President can veto or refuse to sign unless he gets his way. This President has attempted to go around Congress on many occasions. He also has Presidential orders that he can use to bring in or let out sums of money, the tax reduction for the wealthy being a perfect example.

And you are just the person to make that happen, yes?
Incidentally, I asked you about your experience in the business world. No answer.
I am 30 years in business, most of which as an owner. You?