Go ahead and post which ones demonstrate Russian collusion. I’ll wait.
He may be right in this case, but Nunes is far too leaky a vessel to put much hope in.
Collusion isn’t a crime.
Manafort gave Russian supporting Ukrainians polling data on Trump
Stone was in direct contact with Wikileaks to get stolen emails
They both lied about it…why?
The mafia wishes they had people watching their backs like the Clintonistas do.
Because it was politically harmful, which doesn’t mean it was a crime. If a journalist is free to try and pump wikileaks for information about what they have, so is everyone else.
Slaying the dragon. The final days of Trump’s political life.
This week Devin Nunes revealed that Donald Trump, code named The Dragon, has been the primary focus of the Mueller Investigation. It was clarified that this was an intelligence matter as opposed to a criminal proceeding.
Last week Guiliani played drunk and let it slip that Donald Trump met with Putin. Although legal at the time, this was contrary to Trump’s statements and forms the basis for the case which is coming to a conclusion soon.
The entire Executive is now joined by the entire IC community in open rebellion (see Dan Coats today).
There is a reason that pitiful Donnie has done nothing other than tweet for the last 2 years: he is alone, isolated, and because Rosenstein’s exquisitely designed Mueller “Insurance policy”, unable to mount an aggressive defense.
The Toothless masses from his rallies will quickly state that the Military will come to his defense, but they vastly over estimate the patriotism among those company men that Obama allowed to stay at the top of the MIC corp.
President Pence on deck for McConnell. No Wall. No Drain the Swamp. No electing a non-establishment candidate ever again.
The example they will make of Trump will be epic. His supporters will wail and the Q believers will wake from their hopium porn slumber. The festivities start next week.
Ha ha! That is great fictional reading! Maybe you should apply to readers digest for a position of contributing editor!
Well put yourself in his shoes. When he originally saw the evidence in the SCIF where this became the scandal dejour of the day, he simply couldn’t divulge classified information when is came to the FISA Violations and the unmasking, but felt it was his duty to notify Trump what he was up against and was doing his patriotic duty to at least inform Trump what was going on behind the scenes. The same with Admiral Rogers (NSA) who notified Trump that he was being spied on as well which started this whole mess of the Russian collusion BS narrative, and IMO was an insurance policy for a way the swamp is covering itself. IMO Rogers actions was not only a very brave and patriotic thing to do but it was right thing to do.
People just can’t accept that the Democratic party, Obama and his minions were corrupt to the core and subverted our sacred institutions for the sake to game the system. Nunes was just doing his part in wanting to expose the blatant corruption that has been going on, and I have no doubt it leads right to the door step of Obozo the clown himself!
It’s true there is no proof of Trump colluding with russia in the indictments.
The closest things so far are -
- Roger Stone being instructed by a high ranking campaign official to reach out toe Wiki leaks to learn what else they have. Wikileaks is not russia, but the emails came from russia, so they are one step removed.
- Cohan and his ongoing negotiations with Russia re: trump tower moscow. Cohan is obviously acting at the direction of trump, so there is a direct link there, but negotiating for a tower is not a crime. Why is missing here is quid quo pro invovling the campaign’s future russian positions.
However, the changes in the GOP platform relative tot he Ukraine, that came at the direction of trump seems troubling relative to cohan’s work. - Trump tower meeting - here, trump helped his son lie about the nature of the meeting. So we have trump directly involved int eh cover up. What we don’t know is what truly was discussed and agreed upon there.
What I think is most damning about all of this is, they keep lying about it. So very many people had russian contacts and they all lied about them.
Well, that’s not true.
There is plenty of evidence. There are still some missing pieces, but it’s not like we have learned nothing, and it’s not like we aren’t moving toward the campaign actively working with teh russian government.
Just in the last few months we learned Cohan was actively negotiating with russia, and had the support of the russian government for a tower in moscow. We didn’t know that before. We do now. We also know cohan lied about this. We also know that trump directed teh change in the GOP platform re: the Ukraine.
If there is link between these two facts - a link that we don’t currently know of - then that would be conspiracy.
We have also learned that Roger Stone, a friend and advisor to Trump, was activity communicating with Wikileaks ,a nd we we know that wiki leaks got the stolen emails from russia.
These are facts uncovered by the investigation.
Because of the investigation, we also have learned trump was involved with covering up the true nature of the trump tower meeting with russians.
So to say we have learned nothing is simply not true. And to say there is no evedidnece of collusion, also, not true.
I have a more interesting question. People lie to congress and to the FBI all the time with no consequence. That was clearly the case with Hillary and her associates. They were treated with kid gloves and many got immunity; for what??
So fast forward to now and Trump’s associates. Why are they treated differently?
An objective outsider would clearly see the double standard, while a Trump hater with TDS would point to all of these indictments as proof that Trump colluded with Russia. As you yourself asked. Why would they lie?
And then we can go back to all of those who have lied before with no consequence.
What is different? Really; what is different?
Nunes ran to Trump to tell him of the existing of the pee-pee tapes. That’s all.
You are arguing that people should be allowed to lie to Congress and the FBI.
Except if Hilary actually lied to the FBI or Congress, she would be in the same boat. But she didn’t and you have zero proof that she did.
We’ve been down this path many times and I won’t play this game with you any more. Go away.
That isn’t what I’m arguing at all.
Let’s use this analogy.
A local community has strict jaywalking laws. They are never enforced, as people jaywalk every day.
However, one particularly unlikeable person rubs a prosecutor the wrong way. Guess what? That person jaywalks and is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. A jury will never hear that thousands have jaywalked before him with no prosecution, because that isn’t relevant as to whether or not this person jaywalked.
So why was this person singled out? Because those in power didn’t like him. No other reason.
Am I advocating that breaking the jaywalking law should be allowed? Of course not. I’m simply asking why.
Yep this is a game alright. Here’s how it goes…
You make a wildly false accusation/statement
Someone calls you out and asks for proof
You, instead of providing proof, waste a reply to resort to childish games of “leave me alone”, “go away”, “lib talking points”.
Is this the game you are talking about?
Piss poor analogy.
You don’t know how many people the FBI let lie and get away with it. To assume that they do it excessively is false. Again you don’t even have a shred of proof that they even did 1 time.
You are trying to say that 7 trump campaign associates were all targeted for at the very least lying and at most fraud. Why can’t the easy answer be they are crooks and the FBI is doing their job?
You might take your cue from Thehollowmen. I actually enjoy engaging Thehollowmen. We have actual discussion. You on the other hand jump into the middle of a discussion with nothing to add, while asking for proof of arguments that are no longer in dispute. Anyone who is paying attention knows that people lie to the FBI and Congress on a regular basis with no consequences. For you to dispute that and to ask me to provide proof is disingenuous.
So once again. Please go away.
We are done. Unless you have something substantive to add to the conversation I will no longer respond.