The Risks of Medicare for All

Who said anything about hiring from a welfare program? maybe you should park the ego for a minute and read slowly.

Business owners hire people because that employee brings the business owner surplus value, you dont need a to go to a business class or have a MBA to figure that out.

The DNA of a business is to serve the consumer, make money for the business owner, provide a return on investment for shareholders and take care of the employees.

I would think you agree with that? no.

As nice as that sounds, the reality is some people will always be poor, no matter how much opportunity is presented to them
Pundits say Obama created all these jobs, yet there are a ton of poor people
Pundits say Clinton and Reagan created all these middle class jobs, yet there were tons of poor people.

Since LBJ kicked off his war on poverty in America it still exists, they threw trillions of dollars to solve the problem, Bill Gates foundations has donated Billions of dollars to conquer poverty.

Yet it still exists, Poverty is the default state of mankind, the only thing we can do is teach the ones that dont want to be poor not to be poor, and provide opportunities to those who want get out of poverty.

Medicare for all would likely include an employer based tax. Would you hire if the employer were forced to pay a tax?

Would the unskilled labor be willing to work if they were taxed for their healthcare?

I frequently observe that the reason that salads at fast food places are so expensive because it is easier to separate heath conscious people from their money than those just wanting a nice but inexpensive burger.

Robots have no payroll taxes.

LOL. Thank you, a new source of tax revenue. Perhaps a 5K per year tax of robots is in order. Maybe more.

It’s like how EVs pay no gas taxes.

It’s like EV’s paying no gas tax as well as bicycles, and reduced taxes for hybrids.

The government closing winners and losers which has worked so well in the past. Green energy investments come to mind.

Bernie is proposing that medicare for all be paid at current medicare fee schedules. Very few doctors are willing to take the pittance medicare pays. Good luck finding a surgeon…

Not to mention the cost over 32 trillion for 10 years which is a conservative estimate.

Looks like everyone would have to belly up to the bar for that one.

It’s amazing really that the left is all on board for the biggest corporate give away in history. As of now business is largely picking up the tab for Americans health care, they want to end that and have the people pay for it. Most federal revenue comes from individual income tax, not corporate. Of course they will respond, we’ll change that and make corporations pay a lot more, as if they’ve never heard of offshoring.

Oh you’ll be able to find one, but English won’t be his first language.

And when the companies start pulling up stakes and leaving, it will be time for the next socialist step, not allowing them to leave.

What giveaway is that???

What’s laughable is people actually think Corporations pay taxes. Taxes fees, royalties are a cost of doing business. They are built into the process consumers pay every day.

When the taxes raise process above imports price, they reduce expenses. Expenses=people.

Who pays for most private insurance right now?

It’s called a benefit and part of a persons compensation.

Kind of like a vacation day.

Are we going to pretend Amazon is going to increase all their workers pay on a one to one basis on what they save in healthcare benefits if the government takes up their burden? That’s amusing.

Interesting how you expand your delusion with every post.

Corporations don’t pay taxes. Their consumers pay them by way of higher prices.

Raising taxes on corporations does nothing more than raise the cost of their goods and services. When those prices get so high that the corporation can no longer be competitive with foreign corporations providing the same goods and services, the corporations move out of the country…and the country loses the revenue.

Liberals are STUPID!

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I gave that tidbit to Zantax days ago had zero effect on his mantra.

H doesn’t get the reality that if the costs are to high they reduce expenses, peopl then move th company off shore.