dont forget these “poor” tends to smoke a lot of dope, drink a lot, some have a lot of video games and can tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi, but they dont have enough to buy Fruits and Veggies?
Incredible isnt it?
dont forget these “poor” tends to smoke a lot of dope, drink a lot, some have a lot of video games and can tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi, but they dont have enough to buy Fruits and Veggies?
Incredible isnt it?
At one time Gym was a required class every year, today 1 semester in HS. None in middle school.
Both Type 1 and 2 have genetic linkage but both require environmental triggers to bring the disease on. A diet high in processed sugars and/or alcohol makes for a hair trigger for both.
With the fraud, waste, and abuse in Medicare/Medicaid currently we’d be looking at probably a half trillion or more of same with “Medicare for All”.
It definitely is. And it’s a matter of priorities in one’s life.
I don’t think you’d like Massachusetts, Max. It’s a sick, disgusting mentality that dominates here, in the form of fake adoration for the poor & demonization of the wealthy.
Check out the fake adoration in the above link. I don’t even think it’s aligned with Commonwealth law, which doesn’t require merchants to accept EBT benefits as a form of payment.
These sick freaks so love the poor they want to force this vendor to accept EBT bennies (yeah, I know it’s a 6 year old story, but the mentality still dominates) for food that isn’t even healthy for them. As it stands, lower income people are more likely to have weight problems than higher income folks.
Their adoration of the so called poor is disgusting to the point I want to vomit .
Sounds like a State operated by the nutbar libs who have ruined other states and cities like Detroit, Baltimore and the Democratic People’s republic of California.
I want to know from the whack job libs , when is it a crime to want to succeed in America?
It’s been a crime since the Obama administration. Exception the left showers the Obama’s with millions as their most revered progressive millionaire.
Fiction pays well.
since Obama the great reign…
sad, thank God ( not Allah) that there are people who believe in good old fashioned entrepreneurship and hard work.
Being a huckster pays well.
It is always a crime to be successful in America per libs. That was the rationale behind Odummer Care—how dare you be steadily employed by a company that provides group health benefits. Or make a choice of your own with an individual plan you like if not.
Have you ever heard the CeLo Green song (F word) you? He spells it out.
“I see you driving around with the girl I love, and I’m like (f word) you
I guess the change in my pocket wasn’t enough, and I’m like (f word you)
If I was richer, I’d still be with her, now ain’t that some (s word)
But although there’s pain in my chest, I still wish you the best with a (f word) you
Sorry can’t afford a Ferrari, but that don’t mean I can’t get you there
Guess he’s an X-box, I’m more Atari, but the way you play your game ain’t fair “
He’s my version for these sissies, as they’re so enthralled with those who have failed financially:
I see you taking the bus with the one I love, and I’m like (bleep) you
I guess my stable finances just were too much, and I’m like (bleep) you
If I were poorer, she’d be my hand holder, now ain’t that some (bleep)
But although there’s pain in my chest I still wish you the best with a (bleep) you
I’m not sorry, I drive a Ferrari, that means I got you beat right there
Time to shame X-Box, ‘cause all you’ve got’s Atari, & no one else wants to share
Haven’t composed the rest. The mess would hit the fan with these apologists if they ever heard my version.
Well said…
If you love the poor give them a job so they can earn some self respect and a living.
you know its funny that a few leftists( Im not saying youre a leftist) said that to me on a few occasions this year, and I know you were addressing JKM.
When someone says that to me, my standard answer is Why should I give them a job? the point of hiring someone is to create surplus value for me, not to put a dent into poverty or the unemployment numbers.
anyways carry on.
Man you worked hard to miss the entire point.
There is no job to give unless there is work to do and a need to hire someone.
you’ve missed the point
you only hire someone that creates surplus value for you, that was the point.
Its a bit more complicated than 1 plus 1 equals 2.
You can create all the work you want, if you have no consumers its pointless, if you’re in a business that needs workers and if you have no workers then you will go out of business quickly or burn out, hence the surplus value comment, or was that too simple for you?
edited for grammatical errors
Sure employ a few dozen.
The taxes required as an employer will kill you.
The only person missing anything here is yourself.
I hire people when I need the help. I don’t need the help unless my workload and sales volume dictate that need.
What most poor people lack are skills, a work ethic, and self esteem all of which can be cured when they get hungry enough to actually look for and take a job when it’s offered.
There is a sense of pride one develops when they learn they can actually provide for themselves rather than being leeches on society.
We have families now that have spent 3-4 or more generations at the public trough raising kids that know nothing else.
If they get hungry enough and want to stay out of prison they’ll learn.
yeah, its called “creating surplus value” for yourself.
Okay, and that has what to do with you hiring someone?
yeah, its called “creating surplus value” for yourself.
You seem rather hung up on your own rhetoric. We’re talking about the real world not something you remember from a business class.
Nobody is suggesting anyone hire people as a welfare program.
Try reading the original post you quoted and I suspect you’ll get it.
I’d rather we help people out of poverty than enable them to remain in same.
Those types usually end up being good conservatives once they grow out of their dependency and develop some real self respect.