The Rise and Fall of Neil Young

Although I disagree with your opinion, I respectfully support your rights to it . I’m glad you didn’t become indignant in your response and I hope you comment on other parts of the post.

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Yeah, I don’t really feel a need to defend being vaxxed, but I got vaxxed and boosted To me, it’s just common sense. The government spent a gazillion dollars developing it, it might do some good, and the chances of it doing bad (to me) are minimal. Not a real difficult calculation. I don’t care who gets vaxxed and who doesn’t, but if there’s a decent vaccine out there for something I might catch, I’m probably getting it. It’s not because I trust Biden or Fauci or any of the other fear mongers out there.

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Then again it can have long term effects too .

Yeah, everything has risks. I just listen to the chatter, look into things, and apply my own common sense. I’m not going to wring my hands over everything, I just make a decision and go ahead with my life. I could die of a vaccine, I could catch some disease waiting in line at the store. If my immune system is bad, mother nature will get me one way or another, but mine is fine so far.


Things just got interesting for Joe Rogan. 100 million reasons!