The Rabbit Hole

Ah yes it’s always the provable facts. Who decides what is fact ? How do we get from hypothesis to fact ? A majority show of hands and scientific theories ? You only know what you think you know by hand me down knowledge. Because I am human and make mistakes that leads me to think it is so easy that mistakes could have been made historically and they have become our truths. And no I’m not saying everything is a lie but if something hits my mind as plausible I don’t have an automatic response of “Thats BS” just because science or some mile long mathematical equation says otherwise. You keep referring to the flat earth stuff now as though to discredit my thoughts when you do know I have never said outright that “I believe the earth is flat” but what I have said is I believe the property of water is to always find it’s own level and that conflicts with ball theory, so if that makes me a flat earther, then so be it. I don’t consider @Magog to be mentally ill just because he is fixated on a particular group of people and their overall impact the the world, why because I have no proof to say he is wrong and neither does anyone else.
They were still “Dunking” to prove a witch or not in the 18th century apparently, a lot of established science from that era and prior too. :thinking:
Anyway Verv you have made your entrance and you are not impressed with some of the company, I for one welcome your arrival but if you choose to depart, wish you well.


I have never heard @Magog disrespect service people here or indeed anywhere. I have interpreted his attacks as being about government policy and nothing personal. He has stated his close family were involved in WWII and maybe because of that he feels so strongly ? I know my old man had very jaded views post WWII. I’m sure 99% of serving personnel don’t choose to rush into war and many are conflicted politically when they have to but unlike @verv sadly I do agree with Alex that most war is in pursuit of power, resources, money etcetc, but categorically that is not a slight on the service men and women.

Yes I do recall you stating about your “Theory” and making that distinction but I was just meaning the level of importance to you both.
Flat earth I covered with Verv so please see that.

When I say I can’t stand my country it is because I am sickened by what it has become. Apathy on the part of some people and the longstanding corruption of successive governments.
I don’t need to reevaluate about what is worth saving, much of what I value has already been destroyed and I haven’t thrown in the towel, I’ve already said I’m up for a proper war, a worthwhile war, a war that takes out all of the trash, my thoughts on this are extreme as would likely involve what would be considered genocide. I think this is how far gone we are and what is required to reboot. So while I am still able to stay physically fit, I’m ready and waiting. It has been my opinion for a long time that I see no political way out and have expressed that on numerous occasions but that does not mean I would not welcome it.

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I have read recently that we are in the process of heading into a mini ice age, within 30 years, it was scientific and all grown up type talk but I don’t think it was government approved so will likely be BS. :grin:

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That’s the only true American car I have been in and that was over here in the U.K. :smiley: Obviously I have driven u.s. hire cars but they don’t really count and when I lived there for a while I drove a Toyota…

My cousin helped develop the ZR1 engine here at Lotus ( The dual-overhead cam V8 in the 1990’s).
He was a chief designer and used to bring the car home at weekends to put test miles on it… We spent hours discussing various engineering possibilities, some of which he incorporated in the design. It was quite an impressive result for the time, I could be wrong with the timing but I think it became the fastest road car in the world for a brief moment.

Just reading through some blurb it looks like the C4 was the engine Lotus did going into the LT5 model with 375 hp and later going to 405hp giving the car the nickname “Corvette from Hell”

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And yet there are still a great many influential people pushing the global warming/climate change crap with their trusted scientific proof. Is it out of true love for the planet or vested interest.

Shit the night shift have been busy !! My wheel scrolling finger has cramp:laughing:

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Is there a vid with his response ? I will look myself but if you have a link…

Because the lefty socialist types have us believing that Islam is a religion of peace, lowering the guard of the stupid libtards, until it will be too late to do anything about the doctrine of barbarity. Once the numbers from the religion of permanent offence get to a critical point, nothing will be able to be done about it. Increased Islamic barbarity, rape, murder and terror will create greater dependence on the state to protect citizens, through increased draconian laws. Combined with the electorates greater dependence on the state for income housing, health and education through the long creep Socialism, you have near total control over the population. In a nutshell, it’s all about control


I’m not making up your skepticism of whether the earth is round, it was the craziest of all the crazy stuff that went on in that thread. If you think it discredits you (it does), it’s not my doing, it’s your own.

What makes something a fact? - it’s quantifiable over and over again independently. It’s not a ‘hypothesis’ or a ‘show of hands’. A line 20cm long will be 20cm long each and every time when measured by competent people.

You are expressing a reluctance to accept on faith anything as a fact. How do you know if Salt Lake City truly exists if you haven’t been there? You discredited all the Satelite photos of earth from above, why not SLC? Until recently I’ve never been to SLC, however when I got in a plane it was there. No global conspiracy.

When you de-construct everything, as you do, there is nothing which grounds your crazy ideas. Since you have no faith in basic facts you can then indulge in outlandish conspiracy theory. You have basically rejected any kind of authority that facts give arguments. That’s a big problem.

It’s the same type of post-modern craziness that leads people to believe they can be born the wrong sex. When people reject objective, measurable and quantifiable biological sex - when you deconstruct what sex means in terms of words - then anyone can decide what their sex really is.

Manic Magog night not be mentally ill, which makes if even more worrying. Then it’s more likely he has an agenda. Maybe you guys know it already, but you are on the fringe of the craziest people I’ve ever spoken with - but it’s cloaked as truth. You in particular Stu are also one of the most engaging and dead on people I’ve engaged, I don’t feel good telling you how I see it.

They have a hypothesis and they use the mob silent others. That literally is one of those cases of a ‘show of hands’ and then they proclaim it as a fact. It’s not a fact though, it a modelled hypothesis. There are authorities dissenters.

More or less…

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Verv I already said I don’t give a shit about how crazy you or anyone else thinks I am the point I was making was that you raise the flat earth subject as you view that as a way to basically say “Look here if this guy believes this shit, everything is nonsense”. I actually don’t care about whether it does discredit it me, it’s just to let you know that I’m aware of the reason for you raising it and note that you never said what my actual scepticism was about but blast out the flat earth tag and the damage is done. Again I don’t care.
Again it isn’t about round it is about the spherical aspect and that was due to my thoughts about water and then that lead to the gravity debate as I recall.
I wasn’t aware there was any denial about SLC but the moon and such like is left to a small club to confirm, again that’s up to you if you believe the spiel. I’ll eat my hat if Buzz Aldrin has truth on the tip of his tongue.

If it was the same craziness I would believe as you suggest about biological sex issues and I don’t, so mine must be a different kind of craziness :grin:

It’s not a big problem for me to not have faith in certain so called facts, it’s more of a problem for others like you.

There is something I’ve been meaning to bring up so this is good time. Regardless of what is deemed to be proof, why do people have such a problem if the persons own thought process just doesn’t allow them to believe what they are told ? Like intuition just giving you a hunch the narrative just ain’t so.

No reason not to feel good mate about telling me how you see it, I’m just a person on the internet and I’d respect you less if this was all about kiss arsing around.
I’ve got real world mates of 40+ years that I argue with all the time and often disagree with them on all kinds of crap but I know they are solid people and we share enough other common ground to remain good mates.
Just as you think I’m one of the craziest for my thoughts I think you are one of the most gullible but I know there is other common ground just like with my real world mates.

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Yes but again whose narrative is in the media ? We have some shithead in Britain called Professor Brian Cox he is the science poster boy of choice for all things space and climate. The sheeple can’t get enough of the prick.
We used to have a guy called David Bellamy but as soon as started denying global warming he was frozen out, in order for their preferred science. This is no different to other areas of scepticism. There will always be someone with a PHD who will defend whatever bullshit is necessary for the right price. He gets promoted as the only authority on the subject and “Voila” it is gospel.

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From the rate of thread growth it is apparent that there are several people with too much time…

It is a litany of historically verifiable facts presented well, very well. I judge such issuances by their information rate. This is not padded-out with “look at this” and “I did a lot of digging” followed by repetition of something revealed 5 minutes ago; and yes I had heard before that certain sections of the USA were sympathetic to Hitler.

However … I understand that your time may be limited. I recommend that simply lurk (like me :wink: ) and chip-in when you feel the need.

Welcome to the new Rabbit Hole, BTW :+1:

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GT250 < drool >

I noticed that manufacturers have moved away from bhp figures to using kW figures. I suspect this is to defuse the brigade of complainants. My VFR is equipped with 125kW (allegedly) and shaft drive because after 50 years I am entirely hacked-off with oiling and replacing chains.

Whilst waiting for last year’s MoT, in the Yamaha dealer’s premises, I noticed that the then current R1 is bestowed with 200bhp (allegedly) which is 150kW by my translation.

…I remember when Norton’s fastest race-bike had 80bhp, and that was considered enough, just before they were blown into the weeds by Suzuki and Kawasaki, and only slightly later Yamaha with their 700cc stroker.

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Gullible is to give serious consideration as to whether the earth is round - I can’t think of a better example of being gullible. You discredited yourself Stu when you started arguing flat earth theories.

Emotionally you don’t have a problem with it your approach, but you most definitely do have a problem. You don’t appear to know the difference between a fact and a hypothesis, you don’t accept the authority of facts in grounding ideas, and you can’t accept facts with a reasonable faith. You see a conspiracy everywhere, and you think it makes you enlightened, but it just makes you a quack.

I’m not saying the trans stuff is the same as the flat earth stuff, I’m saying the casual deconstruction of provable facts is similar. I’m not saying there is skepticism that Salt Lake City exists, I’m saying the evidence for its existence is the same type of evidence you dismiss as being faked when you question whether the earth is round.

Manic Magog dresses up his quackery as ‘truth’, because who could be against truth. The devil comes as a angel, the warmonger comes as a peace maker, the liar comes with the ‘truth’.

I take no pleasure in telling you how I see it.

Dr Brian Cockhead is not a climate scientist. I don’t know why he has taken up the man-made climate change mantle, I think he feels like he is defending science. Science is not supposed to ignore contradictory evidence and inconvenient truths, but that is exactly what the climate mob do. They have consistently attempted to blur the line between what is a hypothesis and what is a fact. They have attempted to paint skepticism as being unscientific, despite the contradictory science and the many climate scientists among the skeptics.

I think CO2 does affect the climate, I’m not convinced the contribution humans have made - which is to add CO2 equivalent to 0.015% worth of the atmosphere - will result in massive climate change. Nor do I believe has it contributed to all the changes in the climate we have observed. One of the most fundamental principles in science is correlation doesn’t equal causation, but the man-made climate mob have made an exception.

VFR 800 / 1200 I assume ?
That Honda V4 is one engine I have never had the experience of stripping, probably because they are so reliable !
My first bike at 17 was a gt250 and I always regretted selling it until I managed to buy 2 in recent years. One now almost fully restored the other left original for riding anytime.

I think 200 hp is becoming the norm for litre superbikes and I think you could be right about confusing the snowflake brigade, that bikes are too powerful and too dangerous.
I still remember the Eurocrats interferring with a 100bhp cap in the nineties and a couple of the Jap manufacturers complying to their peril. The zxr750 was one that capped but some manufacturers didn’t and the sales went to the unrestricted imports, so the Twats in europe had to back down.

edit: I will assume the 1200 vfr as I have just checked the spec 160bhp in 2010-11 :open_mouth:

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…and, the labels are on the wrong people.

Are you talking about that video Alex posted? The problem with those types of videos is that every single one that I have been linked to, without exception, will cherry pick facts, leave out important information, or flat out get essential information wrong as they aggressively build a narrative.

I think asking Alex for a handful of examples of where bankers caused wars isn’t a big ask. It’s far easier to delve hard into detailed specifics in one or two cases than talking generally about hundreds of years of wars.

This is one of those conspiracy theories I know a good bit about - because I used to believe in it.

And you are correct. I do have a lot of time this weekend, too much lol.