6m might be understated or overstated but to question the exact number is not anti-Semitism. Magog denies almost everything that Hitler and the Nazis did to the ■■■■■ including genocide,gassing and incineration.
There are many ■■■■■■ people in positions of considerable influence, but then that is true of people from many other persuasions
But @devauxt, don’t you know that someone took aerial photos of the concentration camps and found no evidence of gas chambers or mass graves!
I laugh at Magog every time I read when she posts such shit. An aerial photo shows nothing of what is beneath the roofs of buildings nor or what is beneath the earth surrounding them.
Regarding the six million number, it matters not to me if it was 6 or 4 or 2 million…it was genocide in an attempt to satisfy Hitler’s goal of annihilating the ■■■■■■ people.
I’m talking about his appearance, the sense of urgency and the look on his face when he talks. He looks like he was just dropped off after an extended stay in the mother ship medical examination lab and is trying to make us believe his story.
Trying to understand why Hitler hated ■■■■ so much. The Kalergi plan called for the blending of races, mixing everyone with Africans to dilute the IQ, except ■■■■■ who will remain the only pure race, and superior with their high IQ’s intact. Did Hitler see that?
Well, we are certainly seeing the infiltration at work today.
Well, since you never acknowledge the top three responses to your fabricated assertions, if we want to communicate, we are only left with the bottom responses … which you seem to thrive on. As I have said before, your reputation here is solid.
You don’t have an expensive NHS to pay for, so your taxes should be way lower than all other countries where there is national healthcare for all. Why are they not?
Because we have taken on the role of World Police Force. No other western country comes close to the percent of GNP spent on the military as does the US.
haha I can understand the no fatties bit but didn’t realise the quran prohibited skiing
80 kph, the difference between road and slope is that you will cover a bigger distance on the slopes giving you a few seconds longer to contemplate ohhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
Good post out of nowhere Stu, definitely one of my favourite songs.
I think I prefer the S and G original just because it was one of my most played songs when I was small.
Weird I just played the original on youtube and this one came next, another blast from the past: