The Rabbit Hole

What’s a “soy boy”?

Always did love that quote and still don’t understand how anyone could be bigotted and arrogant enough to believe that their god is the only true lord and exclude all other possibilities

He’s insulting your masculinity by accusing you of being soft. :wink:

Look in the mirror!!!

You do know it’s only an insult if I understand it, right?

Yeah but I knew someone would enlighten you if you didn’t

Soy is high in estrogen.

Why are you so angry? Are you a soy girl? You have a girl in your avatar, is it you?

From a guy with a girl as his avatar?


When someone calls them self “Manic Grumpy Old Git” with a gurl gaming avatar make one wonder doesn’t it? :wink:

In Greek mythology, one version is that Chronus was of the first generation of Titans, a descendant of Uranus , the sky, and Gaia , the earth. Becasue of envy of his father’s power, Chronus would eat Gaia’s children.
My point in this is that Chronus in greek means… time.
Time eats the children of the earth.


qui moi lol!!!

He’s not angry. He’s disapointed because he understands we’ve been lied to and most people are ignorant.



He’s obviously angry at ■■■■■ Let’s say all this horse shit is true and we fix it; what happens then?

As a christian you know Satan rules this world and you either serve him or you serve God.
I say to you keep the faith.
I would advise him to put God to the test.


That won’t end well for him.

I think the revelation would be good for him.



Told ya I was a bit suspicious of the Gilets Jaune
Think Problem Reaction Solution

My point is you can’t substantiate your argument with facts no more than the believers can! That is why your argument is silly! Also you are being disrespectful to those who do choose to believe in “God” or a God! So what? You have an opinion! Good for you! Your argument is not constructive other than to put others down for having beliefs!

Yeah have a Merry Christmas Baudica!