The Rabbit Hole

12 hours seem like a long time if you’re hungry.
But I usually don’t get hungry until 11 or 12 noon.
I hate fasting, though.

Tom Brown (the tracker) talks about his fasting of 40 days in the wilderness. Toward the end, he caught a deer by hand and ate the animal raw.

I also heard of a woman who by some reason got stuck in an empty building for days. She caught a rat and feasted on it…

If you haven’t eaten a day, you will steal.
If you haven’t eaten a week, you will kill (other humans).

So I hear.
Hope it won’t happen.
Sorry Alex, it wasn’t what you were talking about.

Yeah, that’s not what I was talking about.
You can slowly stretch the hours to 18 or 24 if you drink water, depends on the individual.
You must be in good general heath, of course.
Remember It’s called intermittent fasting not starve yourself.
It takes will power, that’s all. You train your body.
I can do 15-16 hours easy.

So you are intermittent fasting then

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Why are you hungry? What’s wrong with feasting on your fat reserves? Why is your body determined to hang onto its fat and wants you to feed it even more? So when you eat, how do you know that those calories are being used for energy and not being turned into fat, leaving you weak and lethargic?

Same answer every time and is the driving force behind every metabolic disease. :wink:

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There is an agenda to keep the sheep fat. Pretend to help them, but actually the result will be the opposite. Sure, it will work in the short term. They’re so stupid they can’t see what will happen when they come off their 800 cal a day diet. Keep the snack level high too, to keep their insulin high!

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Sometimes it’s not hunger that drives me to eat something.
I simply have appetite for it.

When I start eating something (while thinking I’m not too hungry), lo and behold, I finish the whole thing and want to eat more. L’appetit vient en mangeant, I guess.

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Think of Leptin as a leprechaun and Ghrelin as a gremlin.

Perhaps it was a Japanese platitude to the Arabs who were feeling left out.

That is precisely why I would consume an entire stack of Oreo cookies and a quart of whole milk in one sitting…simply because it tasted good.

I’ve since stopped buying cookies of any sort and replaced my whole milk with yucky tasting skim milk. (I still love real butter and use Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter to fry my eggs and to grill sandwiches.)


If any of you think you know of a better butter, be benevolent by broadcasting because better butter begets better breakfasts besides bringing big ballooned bellies.

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Bit like sex then…

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What’s the sudden surge all about?
Surge of left-wing posters.

And the blue circle?


He shouldn’t have seen the show.
It screwed up his life.


I like the pink one.
Plenty of air flow.

Men are a-dick-ted to sex!

For women, it’s an open and shut case!



The guy on bottom right reminds me of


What do Sumerian gods carry in their handbag?
Same gods rule(d) the Americas?
Probably. They never left.