The Rabbit Hole


Apparently Hitlery is due in court on 9th Sept 2020 - just 2 days before 911 - coincidence??


I understand that we are housing illegal grunts in 4 star hotels to ‘‘help’’ the hotel industry.

Can I suggest that we fly them all home to help the airline industry.


I hear that some of the hotels are new elementary schools and some of the illegals are pedophiles.


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Ok so now they have revised the Ronahoax deaths and taken out the motorcycle accidents, heart attacks and other erroneous BS numbers. The revised number of total deaths is now down 4,300 to 41,000.
41k - let that sink in for a minute.
And they announced this on the same day that they release the GDP number (-20% - Thats MINUS T-W-E-N-T-Y fucking percent.)
So in a futile attempt to save 41k geriatrics we totally demolished the UK economy.
Next they will be telling us that the lockdown actually saved 459,000 ppl.
This is beyond parody - Fiasco doesn’t even come close

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No. Use military planes, not domestic. Preferably open the back hatch and boot them out once outside UK airspace. They won’t have any paperwork anyway so you won’t know for sure where they come from.

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Just because your whole environment is ignorant, it doesn’t mean you have to be. If you are, that’s plain stupidity. Goes with low IQ. Goes with fat. Very easy to spot at the moment because they are the scared sheep wearing face nappies with the look of fear in their eyes.

How many killed to save those geriatrics and fatties? How many missed out on cancer ops that would have saved them? The NHS (along with all other health services in the world) puts a figure on potential life saved. Is the years of life saved worth the cost of saving it? That is why you will always lose out if you are on the organ transplant list (your parts can save 10 people).

This is the second biggest hoax in history. The first involves your specialist topic. :wink: I think this one does too. Media driven. Who owns the media?

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More than all that. What makes me really, REALLY angry is that abosolutely NO-ONE will be held accountable.
Not Fergusson, not Boris, not Gates - NO-ONE.


If they didn’t arrive by 'plane then they must have come from France, Belgium or The Netherlands. I see no problem in taking them back there, however I also support conscripting them to the Paras, for one day, and sending them on a training exercise into Brittany or similar.

Really easy to do … make some black 'chutes, print them up “made in Luxembourg”, chuck 'em out the back of a C17 whilst on a night training flight to Gibraltar or similar. Give each of them an Arabic - French phrase book and 500 Turkish Lira.

You see Alex I don’t have the patience to wait for a God or other such character to deal with these type of people. There is only one thing they understand.

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This action gets my vote.





Suprime Court moving in the right direction


A small reminder of how this all started …