The Rabbit Hole

I think I’ll take a nap.



Is the world going fucking crazy - or is it me?
We got…
Race riots
Wave 1 lockdown
Wave 2 lockdown?
Defund the police
Take the knee for a black psychopath aka Floyd
Ban all team sports
Ban all flights
Wear a mask that will probly poison you with CO2
Don’t get closer than 6ft to ANYONE
Keep your kids away from school (this maybe the only positive one lol)
Bankrupt all restaurants/pubs and bars
Tear down all statues
Increase unemployment to 20+%

Can anyone think of anything good that will come from all this???
Maybe a revolution?


Yes. When times are hard, people get more right wing. When times are easy, they go left. We got Thatcher after the 70’s. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think this Coronavirus mess would never have happened if the US got Hillary instead. What happened with swine flu when Obama was President? Nothing. Either it was deliberately planted to create something to destabilise Trump and the world economies or exaggerated to cause the same. I blame the Democrats.


…and lest we forget, Dr Anthony Fuckin’ Fauci sent thousands of dollars to Bitchillary. He’s been suckin’ liberal asses for a long time. He also funded the Wuhan Bat Virus lab.

I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that he controls viles of all sorts of communicable diseases to be released when and where he so chooses…with nothing but some prearranged code words to his minions.

I’m not being motivated by paranoia here. I just know that there seems to be no limit to the dishonesty and sadism of the liberal mindset. If it accomplishes the goal, kill a few innocent people.

Soros is nothing but one agent of the Rothschilds whose objective is the New World Order.

Destroy the civilization and create chaos.

The Synagogue of Satan rules.

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Trouble is - Boris ain’t Thatcher lol.
Lets just skip the politicos and go straight to…


I love the smell of justice in the morning!


I wonder if she too will “commit suicide” in a maximum security jail cell. She likely has knowledge of many rich celebrities and politicians that participated in debauchery on Epstein properties.

You have to ask the Spanish, they came back from there after the 2008 bean-feast.

I am surprised that she didn’t hop onto the Lolita express after Epstein was entombed, and head-off to US and British Leukai.

You rarely see a bitch that ugly.



haha, letting the cat out of the bag.

Edward Louis Bernays November 22, 1891 − March 9, 1995) was an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of Propaganda.
Edward Bernays was nephew of Viennese psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud.

Double nephew at that.
Bastard lived a long time, didn’t he?

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Wish it was as straightforward as that. For the left, it has always been about taking away the freedom of others, who they deem are widening the gap (upwards) between rich and (relatively) poor, the motivated and the bone idle, the healthy and the lard arses, the non followers and the sheep… it is only the size of the gap that matters, hence we all drop to the lowest common denominator. That was the point of lockdown, but as always with their desperate measures, it actually achieves the opposite effect.