The Rabbit Hole

Fuck the Rothchilds and all of their progeny! Their greed and lust for power includes full control of the entire world.


Remember cold fusion - is it ready? - is that why oil just dropped below 0?
Start at 37

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Ok I’m going deep with this one.
Ever heard of Q? I’m still on the fence but I think there might just be something in all this.
For instance I have always thought EVERYTHING is linked - nothing happens in isolation.]
Remember Trumps war against human trafficking(aka paedophilia) - that is centred in KSA - oil just dropped below zero - KSA is toast.
Is the CV19 thing the deep states answer to Trump taking the DS down.
Attacking the DS/banksters(if that is what he is doing) was always gong to be tough and they will stop at nothing.
Watch for indictments soon?

The EU is in serious trouble after Brexit and I have seen mention that Brexit may be cancelled bc of CV19.
Another part of the DS fight back??


The Deep State must consider BJ an ally of Trump and that’s why they attacked BJ with the virus (or whatever).

Q may or may not be JFK junior who did not die in the plane crash in 1999. If he is alive, he is behind Trump and he wants to avenge the death of his father.

Arrests are being made in Hollywood.
Pedos are being taking away in US army humvees, etc.
(The big name criminals are left for the last minute.)

I’m not in Hollywood, so I can’t say it’s true or not.

All the demonizing of China and its fish market stinks to high heaven.

It’s an effort to hide the real culprits:
Harvard, Soros, Gates, CDC and of course CCP

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…and there I was thinking that the disaster in Italy will encourage more departees.


Pun intended?..LOL


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No. You may not say the J word

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