The Rabbit Hole

Barking orders and no please ? “and don’t give me that middle earth bullshit” . Your beef is with Admiral Byrd.

Much of “Operation Highjump” is classified I believe.

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You are the one posting it. You should have proof of what he said. I have no beef with dead people. They cannot reply.

That’s a convenient tool for conspiracy artists. With anonymous sources and classified information, one can claim anything whatsoever.

Here’s a poll for you:

Is the Earth hollow?
Is it reasonable to believe the Earth could be hollow?

1 Only if your head is hollow.

2 I guess anything is possible, but it’s weird and not very likely.

3 Sure! Admiral Byrd wouldn’t lie, and you can’t trust the government!

4 Yes. I have been there.

Perhaps you could go there and take a video of a live woolly mammoth and post it on YouTube.


Are we drunk? It’s damn early…:joy::joy::joy:


I am posting what that requires proof exactly ? If it is about what Byrd said, he is on film saying what I had quoted. You might dismiss that but to me whilst I don’t fully understand his findings but he seems adamant there is more land beyond the South Pole in the interview he gave about 7 years after his last expedition down there. So are you saying just dismiss what the crazy old fool said ? I made no mention about the earth being hollow by the way, so I don’t really see the need for me to follow your poll and as you say you have been there why don’t you share your findings ?

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Btw I ordered vitamin K2. I know you get vitamin K from green leafy vegetables so supplements aren’t necessary.

Also from cheese and natto, but I have never tried natto and don’t really have the compulsion to. You get a lot of vitamin K from green veg, but that is ok because the body can convert K to K2. For a supplement, take the mk7 as that is better absorbed.

Hypercalcaemia - excess calcium in the blood and soft tissue, not bones. This is purely educational. :wink:


Calcium is necessary but calcium in wrong places in the body causes all kinds of problems.

I think natto is disgusting, although most Japanese blindly believe it’s good for you. Some eat it everyday .

I once saw a Japanese girl student being caught at the Australian airport for having natto with her. (Australia has a severe restriction on foods brought from overseas, whether it’s relevant or not)

I didn’t say or imply that I have been there. The hollow earth story is presented as evidence of Byrd’s lunacy.

Just because he was adamant doesn’t attach any credibility to his claim.

You claim he spoke of land beyond the poles. You give that some credence. Production of legitimate photographs might convince me. Otherwise, just another crock of bullshit, much akin to flat earth lunacy.

Is that what they mean by “the Deep State” ?


deleted :innocent:



Good to see that he is still around and contributing…

Yes sorry I mistook part 4 of your poll.

Again I made no reference to hollow earth. I quoted the part I was referring

Agreed, similar to the guy who said he flew around the world in Voyager in the video you posted.

It has as much credence as anything produced by NASA, do you see the dilemma here ?

We rely so much on what we are told. How do we really know fact from fiction ?
Byrd well respected Admiral in your Navy conducted 3 expeditions to Antartica I think, there was hundreds of hours of film and photographs and they condensed it into an hour or so documentary “The Secret Land”. Then we have NASA who have never yet done a 360 degree turn on any live footage or produced anything but CGI.

That classic movie “The Sting” illustrates how easy it is to fool anyone.

He did say it in the 1954 Longines interview in the first couple of minutes, that I can be sure of.

Is it ? Why is researching and questioning everything you think you know lunacy exactly ?
I would rather appear stupid in reviewing what people have to say than think I know all the answers to everything. By your own thinking you discredit a very high ranking and respected guy from your own Navy in Byrd, why is that ? Because what he had to say doesn’t align with your thoughts ? And yet you will post a video about voyager flying around the earth and you blindly accept that ?

I’d rather be viewed as a lunatic and be open minded and sceptical of everything officialdom has ever produced.


No need for sorrow. We’re just chatting from afar via keyboards.

…and again, I didn’t claim you had. I merely used that as evidence of Byrd’s apparent lunacy.

Millions of people followed the reports from that flight. Just because there was no 9 day long video of the entire flight doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Besides, it would be easy to create such a video without making the trip.

I haven’t found a source that describes how the flight was tracked, but I do know that they were required to fly some number over 22,000 miles and somehow they proved to have exceeded that. I suspect there were multiple tracking stations along the way. I’ll continue to search for links to the tracking methods.

Ahh! The appeal to authority. His rank has little to do with the credibility of unverified claims of other world masses existing beyond the poles…especially in the 20th century.

As I said, millions of people followed the news about that flight. How many were on Byrd’s expedition? How many claimed to have seen the same land masses?

That seems source related.

Being well schooled in physics, history and geography, I tend to cast doubt on any claim of undiscovered landmasses above the surface of the earth as I have been exposed to globes that show all known landmasses. I disbelieve any claim of a middle earth inside a hollow earth. Such a claim that is embellished with claims of woolly mammoths and another intelligent species is certainly something expected of a lunatic.

Perhaps Admiral Byrd actually found some really potent mushrooms.

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Yes quite. Millions followed the moon landings too.

No not at all on my part. I find it odd that you have such faith in NASA who are considered an authority and yet a guy who was entrusted to lead 3 expeditions is automatically considered a crank by you because of this hollow earth reference you make. My initial post was about more land mass being identified. Surely that would generate and warrant further investigation ? And yet I can’t find any evidence of it being followed up? Did he say in that interview more than he should ? Call me a sceptic but if the guy heading up the largest ever expedition to Antartica makes a statement like that you would at least think it would prick the interest of at least a few cartographers ? And mainly of the details of the operation are still classified but of course nothing to see here and the poor old Admiral must have been at the rum that day.

Admiral Richard Byrd , who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and 4,700 men. Quite a contingent. Belanger: It was the largest naval expedition ever in Antarctica .

I’ve no doubt you are but what if it was all wrong are parts of it were ?

I don’t know any details about such claims.

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