The Rabbit Hole

From my favorite movie, caption this one:

You should really look at yourself Max, you’re a mess.

That would make a spooky reboot of The Road Warrior franchise.

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I had to take a second look also. But clearly it states MCP on the door and the rear door spells it out.
Would this mean the patrolman has no authority over a non muslim/sharia individual that he thought might be committing a crime ??
If not a good legal lawyer in the U.S. could make a mockery of such an arrest in a U.S. court

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These are Muslim/Sharia patrols unconnected to the city/state police. Religious police

That is what it implies Dev therefore one must assume this means they have no jurisdiction over a non muslim criminal :grinning:

That seems a complete waste of tax payers money.
I wonder why there isn’t an Amish police force or perhaps a Buddhist police force or …

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We have bona fide Muslim pigs.


Come on, let’s see it then! Or are you all just full of hot air?

They don’t have any more jurisdiction than a normal citizen

Yep except a normal citizen won’t be on the payroll of the U.S. taxpayer :rofl:

As Jen says so delicately (:rofl:) we have different ideology followers working for the Met police but they work under British met police law.

I don’t know if there is a sharia law force yet in the U.K. but taxpayers should be screaming out about the waste of their money if there is such a force.

Is your question rhetorical in nature?

Certainly there is evidence of this when Isis was ousted from Iraq in recent times.

The former statement I made is in hopes that this never happens because if it does it means that society in America has totally broken down. We are on that trajectory now if things keep going they way they are going!

The problem we have is that the police can only be effective if the general population supports them.
If the general population is not homogeneous its difficult to have a police force that represents all citizens. Another benefit of diversity that our leaders never considered?
How for instance, do we reconcile our pedophile laws with Moslems marrying 12/13 year old girls???

We don’t, we convict the tossers and lock them up. Paedophilia is paedophilia, just because Islam supports this practice does not mean the rest of the nation has to accept this perversion and barbarity


One day the majority in UK will be Moslem at current rates of immigration and births - I think it happens around 2050 unless something radical happens.

Islam and it’s barbaric ways will be banned by then, just like it happening in Africa right now

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I certainly hope so but we gonna need a lot more politicians with a backbone first


Yet we seem reluctant to rein them in all in the name of “freedom of religion”.

In Islam, a young girl who disgraces her family can be murdered by her family …and all is well.

Islam is NOT a religion. It is a theocracy…in direct conflict with our Constitution and therefore should be PROHIBITED in this country.

FUCK THE GODDAMNED MUSLIM ASSHOLES! Let them move to a goddamned Sharia Law country.

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Problem is that the Assholes, to which you refer, are now British and they have a vote, same as you.

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I thought that was just a community cop?

No, it is another Muslim/Sharia patrol

I am across the pond from the UK. We have the same problem to a slightly lesser degree.

It is difficult if not impossible to reason with pseudo-humans that see no wrong in fucking goats.