The Rabbit Hole



The guy on bottom right reminds me of


What do Sumerian gods carry in their handbag?
Same gods rule(d) the Americas?
Probably. They never left.

A diet supplement called ā€œMaxiBallsā€ā€¦guaranteed to swell the scrotum.

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What a great idea.
Drive through BLM road blockers with that thing.

Take some encouragement in the comments section of this vid, of course listen to Rusty too :wink:

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ā€œThereā€™s no code on a death certificate for MEDICAL ERRORS.ā€

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Thatā€™s exactly what George Orwell was talking about.

Ministry of Peace to constantly wage wars, Ministry of Justice to persecute the innocentā€¦ That sort of thing.

Federal Reserve Banks
are not federal but privately owned,
have no reserve
and are not banks.

Like the Holy Roman Empire.

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Alex what is the source of the newspaper article ?

I canā€™t be sure but does anyone else think this is the fear machine at work ? :wink:

I think that is what all the shit happening today is all about.
Trump is closing in on Pedowood and the elites.
Their defence is BLM, Antifa, Covid, lockdowns
They want Trump out coz he is after them.
Iā€™m a bit surprised he also hasnā€™t been suicided yet.


Yep, its all bollocks - just look at the UK numbers - out of 50k deaths - something like 44k were over 70.
So, every so often, they have to find/invent someone who is young and healthy with the virus, in case we start to question why we donā€™t just quarantine the most vulnerable and not the whole country.

:+1:t2:ā€œI canā€™t be sureā€ was my attempt at sarcasm. As for the numbers I donā€™t pay attention to them because not much can be relied on. Have some people been ill ? Most likely but was it this Covid bollox ā€¦I doubt. They have been very clever in making ordinary illness seem like the plague. I donā€™t think I have ever had the ā€œFluā€, lots of people say they have when essentially they have had a heavy cold etc. I believe for those that have had flu it really does knock you off your feet for a while and yes for people with weakened immunity it can be a killer but that can be said for just about most illnesses. So what happened in this scenario, some very clever people realised they could trick a lot of people into believing their ordinary bout of flu is a ruthless killer and shows no mercy to anyone. The people with the flu then carry out a large part of the psychological trickery by offering their survivor stories and family death stories. These people are so emotionally attached to the whole yarn they just canā€™t see the wood for the trees and for some I also think they have enjoyed some notoriety, 5 mins of fame or feeling that they are a special victim. Yes lots of people actually enjoy believing they are very ill !!
Itā€™s like the people who will swear the moon landing was real because they were in the communication centre, right in the thick of it but unwittingly playing their role in a movie !!


The numbers I referred to are from the ONS and they are the same ones the govt uses.
So either they have another agenda or someone else is pulling the strings
Maybe, all this is just cover for the great reset.