The Rabbit Hole

Yes Thanks Mate I did that too :+1:

If he has notifications set right on that site, he will get an email. Perhaps he hasn’t checked his spam.

I miss his SC humor also! :joy:

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You fired up the movie themes yet ?

No, but I will! in the #lounge .

Coming soon to a theater near you! :smile:

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Britain’s manufacturing sector booms as the eurozone’s stutters with growth in Germany at a 31 month low


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oh but but but does this mean we might be able to survive without the EU… Let’s just hope it catches on. The deluded think there will be no more sliced bread.

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Gove said last week that we might run out of drinking water :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I don’t understand why the UK cannot just tell the EU to go pound sand. If it’s an honor thingy, the UK Parliament needs to be reminded that there is such as thing as being honorable becoming suicidal.

It especially applies to being PC to a fault.

It escapes me too. They do have that option but choose to serve agendas other than those of the people. So we have to ask, are they really so brash that they really don’t give a shit or are they deliberately doing this to force our hand, in that the next step will be major civil unrest.

He impaled those poor kids on railing spikes outside their home. He should be hung but that’s another story. At least keep the bastard locked up but no, parole board say he has developed improved self control. This how detached every part of our system has become from it’s people.

Typical liberal idiocy. In his case, life should mean life

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Erosion of everything worth having. I’m planning on a thread about it soon.

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If McGreavy does commit another crime, the entire parole board, along with the psychologist should be imprisoned for it.


When women who have been raped and who then became pregnant are forced to take the child to see the rapist, what hope is there for the justice system? Just how sick are these deluded liberals?


Liberalism is self-protected lunacy/

:+1:Dev there is a petition about this too… sign it.


Proof that throwing rocks at police and setting fire to cars work. We desperately need that here.


Men have post natal depression too now. Ah, bless.