The Rabbit Hole

I’m not a fan at all to be honest.

Nigel’s recruiting. Anyone interested?

I hate politics so not for me.

One day this whole movement will turn round and bite them in the ass, when racism becomes acceptable again
Be careful what you wish for.

‘‘But no one is as demonized as white people, and the curious thing is that it is self-demonization—whites demonizing whites.’’

Steve Bannon (1:32:30) on China: " I’d be very cautious in particular in the One Belt One, Road and other aspects, all China is doing is they’re taking the British East India Company model of predatory capitalism and they’re running it in reverse…and this not about the Chinese people, the Chinese people are under the worst suppression in the world by this radical cadre the CCP…"


They wouldn’t have the likes of John Cleese in the army. They wouldn’t have any of us either. That leaves Muslims and leftie soy boys.

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They will be a tough bunch of limp wristed milkshake throwers !


But it is ok to make generalisations abt working class northerners or Scousers presumably?

I can think of lots of politicos they would welcome with open arms.

Yep, northerners are fair game! :stuck_out_tongue:

At least you get a ceasefire 5 times a day for praying…

What about the enemy? :hushed:

Are you implying they might take advantage of such a situation ? Take a break with tea and scones perhaps ? :crazy_face:

Enemy Thought Bubble : Hmmm it’s prayer time might be a good time to get a few scalps.

As if taking advantage of our mincing rainbow warriors isn’t enough. Hmmph.

Incoming: Soy rainbow milk shakes, range 6 yards, take cover !:grin:


We need the worlds loony left to combust like the one in Washington

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May 30th - June 2nd, 2019


Instructions for “magicians” how to deceive the public… :smiling_imp:

@Magog’s friends? :thinking: Nah, I don’t think they’re that bright.

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