The Rabbit Hole

I can see that happening in 40/50 years when we are a minority and we have a moslem govt - the justification will be reparation for our colonial crimes. - I am really worried for my childrens future.

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No I don’t! Again stop assuming what I am thinking. I am simply asking. Also I commented about affirmative action in America but I guess you skipped over that part.

No I am not trying to pick a fight with you! Geez Jen who peed in your Wheaties this morning? Having a bad day?

From what I understood, I called it racial weighting, you said it was called “affirmative action.” So it means the same thing, only you wrapped it up in fluffy pink cotton wool so as not to offend.

You. You can piss a long way.

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Maybe this is the root cause of our problems

ohhhhh , I see so blame the ■■■■ for all the problems in the world

Chechens hate Russians , blame the ■■■■

Sunnis hate the Shiites, blame the ■■■■

sunnis killing the yazidis , blame the ■■■■

The patriots winning a 6th superbowl , blame the ■■■■

Trump being president, blame the ■■■■

did I forget anything ?

Richard Coudenhove Kalergi was a ■■■■ We are well down the road on the implementation of the Kalergi plan. One of the factors was to dilute the IQ of the indigenous white populations, as a dumber society would be easier to control. Why are they so keen to import so many Africans? Why are we seeing so many adverts with mixed race couples? And which race will remain unblemished, a superior race with its IQ intact?

Yeah loads especially the one abt Jesus LOL

China is sending Moslems to concentration camps (allegedly).

So which is the bigger threat, China or Islam ?

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I thought it was Shias (as in Da’esh) killing the Yazidis


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Yes, you forgot that autism and cancer are caused by vaccines and it’s because of the ■■■■■


…bloody good show !

Probably both, but China more so due to their purchasing power! Simple math should settle this question!

How about champagne Socialists? They live in £1m+ houses, but drive shitty things like underpowered Citroens or are conned into the hybrid scam and are rampant libtards. In my area, it’s full of them; idealists, blinkered to the real world.

Why are you sending military power over to around China when you are still buying their stuff? China is no more of a threat to us than Russia is, but Muslims… that is on another scale. They are like a disease spreading.

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Right, lets go ahead and play pretend now, when actual facts say otherwise!

Go back to my previous posts, I already answered that question in greater detail.

As far as Muslims are concerned, I can not disagree with that, but in a broader view, Muslims are not buying up property, or waging economic aggression on sovereign countries, taking over ports by giving massive loans to countries and making them debt slaves, building islands in the south China sea, paying billions to bribe political officials and infiltrating in places of sovereign countries political systems.

Does anybody know what is the lefts obsession about getting rid of straws is about? Now in Hong Kong it seems that this movement or narrative of "anti straws has reached here.