The Rabbit Hole

Fine mate it’s not my intention to want to fall out either.
I’m just sick of all the BS attacks here for basically expressing opinions.
Having banter is one thing and I have been on the receiving end of that, which really is no problem but the repeated personal attacks just make the place a joke and makes me think about the kind of people that are here. I don’t think anybody wants an ego stroke but having strong opinions on a topic shouldn’t meet with constant abuse.


From my perspective, opinions expressed as opinions are no problem, otherwise hard evidence is required :wink:

:joy: Fine we just have to establish what is accepted as hard evidence !:joy:


Now that’s funny :rofl:

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So there are doubting Thomases all around. Some believe 911 was done by 19 Arabs so in retaliation we invade Iraq and Afghanistan. Some believe it was an inside job to be used for political and financial gain. Either way life goes on and we can share a story or a joke here still. We have been hounded from site to site for speaking freely which from what I understand is punishable by jail time in U.K. and the Soviet EU. In China you’d be jailed and your organs might be harvested if your a match. Most countries punish those who speak truths. Free speech is termed hate speech in this upside down world for crying out loud! Let us speak freely here and if you like, give a like. If you don’t, no need for abuse just move along. It’s just a forum but a good forum and thanks goes to @Patriot for setting it up. Much appreciated.



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I don’t understand this technology but …

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This is another of those areas where the truth has got to be found but in who’s interest is it to spend the money to prove or disprove the suspicion.
Also it isn’t a straight forward series of tests with a likely straightforward outcome but of course the roll out of 5g is almost certainly going to happen unless the government suspends the licensing until an independent body has conducted the tests.
And then the age old question is how independent will they be ? and what initiative will they be given ?
A) prove 5g is harmful
B) prove 5g is not harmful

Cans and worms coming up I fear.


That guy Mark Steele seems to know his onions on the topic and when they want to lock people up for spreading the word, it just stinks.

He has a site with some standard letters anyone can send to their council to request information and generally more information. It seems replacing the street lighting with LED is part of the roll out.

This being true is not grasped by hordes of people that blindly formulate their own pseudo-facts in adopting the misguided opinions of others. A prime example is in the proliferation of the idea (pseudo-fact) that structural steel must have melted in order for the twin towers to collapse. To the oblivious, unenlightened parrots that promote that idea…it’s a fact.

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@ Magog doesn’t appear as @Magog when you include a space between @ and Magog.

I agree with basically all of the rest of your suggestion to Magog. There are far more idiots outside The Rabbit Hole than in it.

Yes I see that Thanks Asar.

So who are the idiots in the RH ?

Not sure who you think said that but it is a fact that the steel did melt and there are vids where you can watch molten steel pouring out of windows

that maybe so but I like winding up the Hasbara trolls in here - and there seems to be so many of them too

My comment referred to your posting this:

Perhaps the “or indeed anywhere” threw me off. I should not assume that you are aware of everything Magog has said…and I certainly consider a General to be a service person.

…and I referred to your Holocaust Denial and your dismissal of photographic evidence ordered by Eisenhower.


…and here is something closer to the truth.

what I also worry abt is the ppl who will blindly formulate their own pseudo-facts in adopting the misguided opinions of others(you specifically).
That photographic evidence to which you refer was just pictures. In isolation they proved nothing. The story behind the pictures is more important and its that I have a problem with.

You’re quoting the article I linked…not my words.

Everyone knows the Earth is just a giant petri dish! :grin:

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