Yep, we are gonna have a business lunch on December 25th and ALL our extended family are required to attend
Think Macaroon is stoking it a bit!
He harasses to get responses that he can again reply to. Just ignore his jabs.
He starts a shitload of threads so he gets unlimited posting rights in them.
He thinks he is the PB version of the Associated Press.
He is a disingenuous braggart.
Occasionally I will like his posts, but that is not to be conflated with the idea that I like his style. (After all, I occasionally like some of yours! )
…but I think it cannot hide your device ID. (Notice that I said, “I think…”) Please enlighten me on that.
I’m still following the ONS data and this is the latest doozy from our mathematically challenged rulers
1. The number of deaths involving COVID-19 registered in England and Wales in the week ending 16 October 2020 (Week 42) was 670 (6.4% of all deaths in that week).
That equates to 34,840 over 12 months IF(big if) it is representative of the whole year. To put that in perspective 500,000 ppl die in the UK EVERY year from many things unrelated to CV19. Please also note that it says involving NOT OF - FFS.
2. The percentage of adults in Great Britain very worried or somewhat about the effect of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on their life right now was 76%, based on responses over the period 14 to 18 October 2020.
No shit Sherlock - must be nice to know your BS propaganda is working then.
3. According to the latest Business Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Survey, nearly half (47%) of currently trading UK businesses reported that their turnover had decreased below what is normally expected for this time of year.
4. Monthly gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.1% in August 2020 but is 9.2% lower than the February 2020 level.
So GDP is down nrly 10% in 6 months - That’ll save the NHS(not)
No. Believe it or not, he was quite decent. We were friends. I thought it would be a good idea to start a political thread and ran it by him. He thought it was best if I fronted it. This was in 2016. He came up with the name “The Rabbit Hole.” As time went on, he took more of a liking to me, which he was quite public about. Well, that didn’t work out too well. I think it rapidly went downhill after he got banned from the RH here. That may explain a few things.
It’s very rare I agree with Macron but on this occasion…
A cartoon should not provoke a response like that, end of. Dickhead Khan allowed a puppet of Trump giving one to Miss Universe to go on display in Soho I believe.
The reality is the cultures just shouldn’t mix and there is lots of old ground we can go over but not needed here.
I think we should shoot the lot of them while we can, home grown and all if need be. Before they do it to us, well more likely it will be our G/Kids & Great G/Kids that will be in the minority.
I make it 75% that he found some second portal and became Trumptrain. They’re too similar. I’d ban the fuck out of that pompous forum fart.
PS - another guy who seems to like exclamation points a little too much calls himself Jbob
He was in Hong Kong
If he is still there he might be using VPN for safety.
He finds it difficult to concede anything. He and Jen had some fiery exchanges.
In other news my neighbour’s mum broke her ankle and went into hospital. Whilst in there she caught Covid-19, 7 of the 8 people on her ward died. A few weeks later she finally tested -ve and was moved out of the hospital to a convalescent home (I hope that is an improvement). Ultimately she will return to her home.
So it is nice to hear of an oldie who beat the disease. My neighbour is retired, so his mum has definitely clocked up some mileage.
He could be in a gutter in Timbuktu, I take everything people say about themselves with skepticism. Especially the ones like mangleturd!

The religion of peace have been doing what they do again this morning in Nice.
Allah hu akbar doesn’t mean god is great, it means allah is great.
Allah is not God. Let’s get that straight MSM.

Allah is not God. Let’s get that straight MSM.
That is an interesting twist

my neighbour’s mum broke her ankle and went into hospital. Whilst in there she caught Covid-19
How long was she there?
The worst thing you can do is to be in the same room or ward sharing the same air with Covid positives.
Air-conditioning won’t do the job. Windows have to be wide open.
EDIT 2 @Magog Re: The Rabbit Hole - #10082 by Magog
I don’t doubt a word.

That is an interesting twist
Shhh that’ll get your head chopped off if repeated in the wrong circles