The Presidential Election, Failing Higher Education and The End of Everything: Victor Davis Hanson

This is an excellent interview with Victor Davis Hanson who gives very interesting insights on American culture and the current challenges that is happening in America and the west in general.

Given the many issues such as crisis’s like Immigration, our military, Red States vs. Blue States economies, moving demographics, our Education system, DEI, and the suicide of the west, Hanson give his viewers a better understanding in the aggregate perspective of what the possible consequences of what the future may present as a result of the decisions being made by woke leaders in various US institutions.

Worth the watch if you have the time as you come away much more enlightened on being in the now of today’s American culture and its future trajectory.

The end of every thing seems to be the world’s trajectory these days. Some things are not coming back. Where do we begin again?

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I am not going to say it, but others may and those designs is what will start all hell breaking loose.

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This should brighten your day!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The cynicism is pervasive in most narratives being peddled today. This should be the biggest sign but most will choose to ignore sadly.