The plan comes together: California fast-food-minimum-wage law is ALREADY smashing small biz and consumers

California fast-food-minimum-wage law is ALREADY smashing small biz and consumers


Post Editorial Board

Published June 7, 2024, 1:31 p.m. ET

Reality intrudes yet again: California’s $20-an-hour fast-food-minimum-wage experiment is smashing up the industry.

The law — a pet project of French Laundry-loving Gov. Gavin Newsom — has only been in effect for a bit more than two months, yet these eateries have already cut 10,000 jobs.

Even huge chains like McDonalds have taken the hit, raising prices, cutting worker hours and expediting franchise moves to automation.

If the law’s hitting the major guys that hard, imagine what it’s doing to smaller chains.

Actually, no need to imagine: One chain, Rubio’s California Grill, shuttered 48 locations across the state at the end of May — and filed for bankruptcy Wednesday.

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Just proves how fucking stupid the leadership in Califuckia can be today .

Love it when a plan comes together

The major problem with the way dems fuck everything up is it sends more dipshits packing for red States and soon the stink is so bad to stand .

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