The Opening Paris Olympics Ceremony is Designed to Mock Christianity

The radical left will hollow out your religion and wear it skin for a suit

We still don’t know.
Werid hand signs, knife, etc etc.

Leonardo was gay, as you know, a forerunner of LGBTG or whatever they call themselves.

Do you have any examples or is this pure speculation?

Which part are you referring to? Whether he was gay or the weird hand signs etc.?

Any of it just sounds like pure speculation to me

Most scholars believe that da Vinci was a homosexual due to his penchant for surrounding himself with young men, though some believe he was bisexual. Sigmund Freud even published an essay in 1910 that came to the conclusion that he was gay, but sublimated all his sexual urges into art and research.

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So you think the drawing has homosexual undertoes?

The current big brain take around the french olympic opening ceremonies are the uk in 2012 had Mr Bean So therefore , the french are doing something completely normal

The uk is a retarded hell hole

I really don’t have an opinion on that aspect of De Vinci’s life. I was like you when I read Didg’s comment at first, I found it hard to believe until I googled it and then I found there were a lot of references that came up suggesting he was gay. That being said, no one can prove whether that is true or not.

I think that can be said for the entire West collectively!

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… and some more disgusting bullshit.

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Gives new meaning to misogyny all over again!

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Rumors about the woman (or so called woman) that Macron calls his wife is indeed a trans. I guess this photo is revealing on that front that in a indirect confirms his love and fascination for trans sexuals.

Evil b—tard. I heard his “wife” is a biological man, pretending to be a woman. Some say Kamala Harris likewise (who cannot perform sex because “she” has no vagina)


A Joo of course.

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It doesn’t matter what he is… God is not to be mocked.

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Funny how this didn’t make news on the MSM headlines. I would think that this would be big news no?

God takes a back seat as far as the mainstream media is concerned. LOL