The Official Michael Flynn Watch Thread ⏰ ***UPDATE!***


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At least 20 years after they lockup Hillary . :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Nah! I think they’ll go first…and soon will be indicted.

General Flynn:

Yes, everyone should hang for what they did. Yes, massive corruption has been revealed. Yes, that the FBI is a scum sucking dog turd licking pile of debauchery has indeed been revealed. But it is a non story.

It is a non story because we already knew what the FBI was made of.

It is a non story because we already know what others involved are made of.

It is a non story because everyone, including the most ignorant leftists know and always knew he was innocent.

AND IT WILL REMAIN A NON STORY until something actually gets done about what went on.

Sit back and watch nothing happen. When it comes to the good of this nation, and prosecuting actual corruption, nothing will be done, - everyone in Washington has known since Vince Foster the Clintons were killers and nothing got done and you can’t tell me Rush Limbaugh was not enough to have EVERYONE know - (oh vince foster, seems we lost ya) remember that? Do you think the FBI missed that?

It would be foolish to hand them the possibility they did not know. And subsequently, 911 proved the corruption is so deep no one will be touched, do you really think the FBI overlooked the fact that building 7, which housed their own headquarters at the time, was demolished with explosives? How’d they miss Larry Silverstein going live on PBS stating he gave the order to “pull it”? HOW ABOUT THIS:

DO YOU REALLY think someone totally rigged the FBI’s world headquarters with demolition charges from top to bottom and they did not notice someone was in their own building doing that? They probably did it themselves.

Anyone who would think that could happen without them noticing is a fool, that alone says the FBI itself was involved in 911 and that one thing alone proves they cannot be worked with and that they are the enemy of the American people.

Point out all you want about how Flynn got railroaded and how it is all exposed now, I’ll yawn because tomorrow will be like yesterday, - the system is lost and has been for decades.

Circle May 11th on your calendar. It’s the day that Judge Sullivan has to render a verdict on whether to dismiss the case. Given what is known now if he doesn’t dismiss this case then it certainly would call into question about his own motives for not doing so.

Awesome news! Flynn is completely exonerated!

What is even better is Nadler is extra butthurt because of it!

I wonder if anything will happen to Adam “The Stiff” Shiff? :rofl:

Probably! He is in a world of hurt after the release of documents that proves everything he has claimed turns out to be false. He basically has no credibility and now it’s official and on record!

Awesome freaking news though! This is the first action that sets up the Durham report perfectly!

Who is next?

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Flynn with attorney Powell should sue every last one of these lieing bastards and produce every last newly unredacted ( after three fucking years) email and hand written DOJ and FBI memo.
Tie the mother fuckers up in court for as long as he was in purgatory.

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I believe he will pursue a civil liabilities case on multiple fronts. Bankrupt every single one including Comey!

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Tie every fucking one of these bastards up and bankrupt them like they did to him.

I believe that will be part of the plan of a much larger strategy to get these fkers in the sunlight!

I pray someone has the balls to take these fuckers down.

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Not only will they be facing a civil case but simultaneously a criminal one too.

“Fats” Nadler is likely worried that the noose is tightening around his own neck. Schiff has already been exposed as a congenital liar. Nadler will be exposed as a corrupt committee chairman that paid no attention to established rules as he railroaded the “impeachment” hearings and committee votes.

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Then the stupid explody heads of MSM is astonishingly just outright lying and trying their best to smear Flynn’s case.

If only if Senator John McCain was still alive…