The Neo-Cons are trying to Create a Hot War with Russia

Shout out to suburban white women, no more mean tweets lol

Germany will not live without Russian gas.

The US cannot “ wipe out” Russia!!!
Any attempt to do so will provoke a nuclear response. Lavrov is right, WW3 can only be nuclear….

But the US and Nato are already engaged in proxy war against Russia by virtue of supply weapons, munitions and training to Ukraine to fight Russia. So like Boris Johnson said, every care must be taken to avoid miscalculation and misunderstanding….

Then Germany best be careful providing weaponry and munitions to help Ukraine kill Russians….

It’s already proxy war, folks had best be careful……

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Documentation please……………

The Russian military has obliterated the following: 11 U.S. State Department/Department of Defense-funded bioweapon facilities; 4 German toxic chemical research centers; 3 Swiss nanotechnology centers; 1 French bio-tech consortium; and 3 Israeli labs that were feverishly working to weaponize airborne rabies. Additionally, Putin claimed his forces had carried out precision strikes on mobile (18-wheelers unsafely retrofitted into makeshift labs) biolabs attempting to transport lethal pathogens across the Ukrainian border into Poland. Putin previously told Trump that Russian SU-35 planes used laser-guided munitions to eliminate the roving labs.

Some documentation for all that would be cool……

These Afghanistan, Iraq War, GWOT Veterans, supporting the so-called war effort and so-called fight for freedom in Ukraine are idiots, morons, it’s puke worthy, it’s sad, they want to be seen as heroes. They didn’t fight for anything worth fighting for, they didn’t fight for anyone’s freedom. They’re war criminals the entire phony war on terror a war crime. They didn’t know at the time, and they have no excuse being ignorant at this point in history. The propaganda and gaslighting is sickening, amazing people are still so easily fooled. They can do anything, and get away with it, and they know it. They got away with 9/11, Iraq War based on a lie, and they will get away with COVID-19, and whatever else the psychopaths have planned next. They’re no doubt planning their next attack on America and the world, and the people will buy it.

Agreed, and it’s much like living in the twilight zone. The problem is, it’s not going to change. Even with the advent of technology and word of anything traveling around the world in seconds, no one learns…

From our first (real) foreign war to the present and the statecraft that has pushed on and provoked Russia in Libya, Syria and Ukraine……I’m satisfied that the necessary majority of Americans required to stop it all will never materialize and as @pjohns tells it, the majority position is most usually the correct one……:thinking:

In my lifetime the US government that I’m supposed to go die for has done the following:

  • Waco/Ruby Ridge
  • poisoned our water
  • sent all of our job’s overseas
  • replaced us with “legal” and “illegal” immigrants
  • allowed I s r a e l to blow up the WTC
  • started two wars on false premises and killed my friends
  • allowed bankers to rob the country, then bailed them out with my money
  • let blacks/minorities do literally whatever they want, including murdering white children and enabling a media blackout
  • poison us with pharmaceuticals
  • poison us with vaccines
  • drone strike countless countries for no reason
  • allowed some fgt Muslim named Barack to seize control of the WH
  • politicians to get rich with lies and insider trading
  • allows rampant human trafficking
  • allowed our southern border to become a giant disaster, intentionally
  • allowed a MASSIVE national security police state to seize power over the entire country
  • flood our country with opioids
  • kill us with poison food
  • laugh at us as we die and lose our property
  • allows foreign countries unfettered access to our markets and wealth
  • let’s the media run literal psy ops on the public
  • let’s marauding gangs terrorize the inner cities on a continual basis, despite MASSIVE police spending
  • turned our courts into an idiocracy style spectacle
  • turned the full force of the media/ABC agency/Military complex against White people
  • calls me a terrorist for existing.
  • takes my money and gives it to blacks and minorities that hate me for existing
  • allowing nationwide black mobs of feral savages to burn down our cities with impunity.
  • let a senile pedophile usurper regime into the WH with ZERO pushback.
  • let’s federal agents do whatever horrific and reality bending shit that they want.
  • and continues to stack bodies from all of these things while they laugh at us and try to start WW3

Both parties did this, they’re all responsible and I hate them for what they did. The country I used to love has been dead a long time and no one cares. Good luck fighting the Russians, I’ll be in the woods. Maybe I’ll shitpost here a little too.


Biden did all of that……
Unfortunately. :rage:

It amazes me how many of my countrymen are once again encouraging our government to involve itself in matters that are NOT our business……Reuters polling last week shows 74% of Americans want nato to enforce a no fly zone in Ukraine….:rage:

Theres no longer any real legitimacy to NATO anyway. Created at the beginning of the Cold War as a buffer to its adversary, the Warsaw Pact, it should have been dissolved following the collapse of the Soviet Union when it dissolved and its western territories broke away…. :thinking:

We are at proxy war already with Russia by virtue of giving weapons, ammunition and training personnel to Ukraine to kill Russians with….

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Maybe….so many of your countrymen shouldn’t have been calling so many of your fellow countrymen terrorists simply for voting for someone you and yours disagreed with.


Our countrymen to the tune of 74% are supporting a nato enforced no fly zone in Ukraine, which is essentially a declaration of war on Russia. What’s the connection of that to anything you said….:thinking:

Good point…although your numbers are suspect since the same propaganda arms are collecting metrics against their targets…but I digress.

Our government will allow thousands of our citizens to go fight in a foreign war.

Yet if thousands of our citizens decided to go secure our own border by the same means, they’d all be arrested and imprisoned for acts of domestic terrorism.

Really let that sink in.


For anyone that doesn’t understand how evil NATO is, you need to look up Operation Gladio.

They basically perpetrated false flags to kill innocent people so they could blame communists…just so they could increase their power and create their own fascist government to “save the day.”

Now you’re conflating us immigration policy with Russia’s resistance to US/NATO aggressions against them…

Please stay on topic….

Nah - everything is interconnected. We globalism now!

Everyone standing with Ukraine but couldn’t stand with their co-workers, neighbors, and even family members for the past two years….

That’s where we are at and you enjoyed it.

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Why are you directing that at me. I’m no fan of NATO nor am I in that super majority of Americans that want NATO to enforce a no fly zone. I’m the one that said that NATO should have been dissolved when the Warsaw Pact it was created to balance, ceased to exist….:thinking:

I am not sure if this is a hit piece or how true the voracity of this story is, but now Trump who bragged about not going to war during his presidency is now calling for NATO to get involved. (Consider the source here)