The myth of slavery and reparations

How about COVID and vaccine injuries and deaths? Can’t the same argument be applied similar to yours?

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Bill Gates and his wife. What’s their ethnicity?
Monsanto, Pfizer, Microsoft, Google and all the news media. Who’s spreadidng poison and lies?

Oh, by the way, there are serious studies that posit that the bubonic plague (black death) in Christian Europe was spread by you know who. The plague killed up to 3/4 of the population in some areas.



Tennessee’s Largest County To Study Reparations For Descendants Of Enslaved People

Officials in Tennessee’s largest county, which includes Memphis, voted Wednesday to study reparations for descendants of enslaved people, adding to a growing list of local and state governments that are considering or are launching similar programs.

The Shelby County resolution will allocate $5 million to study and find “actionable items” addressing five key areas: increased access to affordable housing and homeownership, health care parity, criminal justice reform, enhanced career opportunities, and financial literacy and generational wealth.

The resolution was overwhelmingly approved with the support of all eight Black members of the 13-member Board of County Commissioners on the heels of widespread outrage over the beating death of Tyre Nichols, who was killed by Memphis police officers last month.

Some of the dumbest mother fuckers on earth !!!

ARepublican running for senator in Ohio believes descendants of white soldiers who died in the Civil War should receive reparations. Bernie Moreno announced last week he was running for U.S. Senate in the state of Ohio. During his announcement speech, he brought up the reparations movement taking place in America, but instead of supporting or even condemning the moment he suggested the descendants of Union soldiers who died in the Civil War are the ones who deserve to be compensated.
Ohio GOP Senate candidate Bernie Moreno proposes reparations for white people: “You know, they talk about reparations. Where are the reparations for the people in the North who died to save the lives of Black people?”

If Rockefeller can subvert media and politics to silence his critics and forced citizens to get cancer through his vaccines then they most certainly can fabricate a holocaust. Not saying either or, but I am open to the idea.

Supporters say they have the votes in the House to pass a reparations bill after years of lobbying…

More than three decades after it was first introduced, a House bill that would create a commission to study reparations for Black Americans has the votes to pass, its key champions say.

That broad support, they contend, shows that the idea of reparations has gone from the fringes to the mainstream of American politics.

“This has been a 30-plus year journey,” said Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tex.).

“We had to take a different approach. We had to go one by one to members explaining this does not generate a check.”

The commission would hold hearings with testimony from those who support and oppose the idea. Jackson Lee said the country would end up better from the process. “Reparations is about repair and when you repair the damage that has been done, you do so much to move a society forward. This commission can be a healing process. Telling the truth can heal America,” she said. THE BLACK UGLY TURD !!!

The first Rockefeller in America was a German Joo by the name of Rockenfelter.

The Rockefllers are a dynasty of crypto-Joos in America (who pretend to be blue vein Christians) and they have been intermarrying with — who else? — the Rothschilds.

Yes, aware of all this. How many innocent lives were negatively impacted by this man’s greed? Bill Gates is his incarnation

People had plenty of reasons to hate the Rockefellers. They were called thieves, murderers of women and children, manipulators, and outright liars. If the people were allowed to have their way, the Rockefellers would have been strung up for all the ill they caused.
The Rockefellers did not get rich by being nice guys. In fact, they were practically villains who took every opportunity they had to steal from other people. That is how the Rockefellers acquired the Duluth, Mesaba, and Northern Railroad.
They believed that “every man and woman, boy and girl gets just the wages they are worth.” It did not matter that these workers were not able to live on these wages.
In 1914, the coal miners in Ludlow had had enough. The mines were beyond dangerous. The pay was impossible to live on, and to make it worse, the miners were not paid in US cash. They received “money” that could only be used in the mining camp’s stores. Anything the miners made could only be used to purchase goods and food from the owner of the mine, who happened to be Rockefeller Jr.

The men went on strike. Jr. hired a militia to force the men back into the mine, and things got ugly. The miners and their families were forced out of their shacks and had to live in tents. The militia machine gunned the tent colony and lit it on fire. Two women and 11 children died in the assault, along with several the men.

The incident caused outrage across the US, and Jr. was branded a murderer of women and children.

Standard Oil by John D Rockefeller was the oil monopoly and the source of the Rockefeller wealth. I think his own father was a shyster and a snake oil salesman, Dr Livingstone, pretending to be a doctor.

From the petroleum the Rockefellers expanded to medicine and dentistry which they monopolized. They funded the medical schools so that doctors and professor who practiced and taught natural and holistic medicine instead of reliance on petroleum-based pharmaceuticals by Rockefellers which cause grave side effects (and eventually make people sicker) were expelled.

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Dem Congresswoman Suggests Black Americans Should Be Exempt from Taxes as Form of Reparations

Representative Jasmine Crockett (D., Texas.) recently floated the idea of granting black Americans an exemption from paying taxes as a form of reparations, although she admits the plan might run into some problems.

Crockett appeared on The Black Lawyers Podcast last week and recalled a celebrity floating the idea of making black Americans tax-exempt for a certain period of time.

“I don’t know…that’s not necessarily a bad idea. But I’d have to think through it a lot,” Crockett said.

“One of the things they propose is black folk not have to pay taxes for a certain amount of time because then again that puts money back in your pocket,” she added.
Right after endorsing the idea of giving black Americans a tax exemption, Crockett began to realize the pitfalls of the plan and noted many poor black Americans aren’t paying taxes to begin with.

“If you do the no tax thing, for people that are already, say, struggling, and aren’t really paying taxes in the first place, it doesn’t really…but I think that we first need to do a study, we need to be very thoughtful, ” Crockett said. She cautioned at the possibility of states devising their own plans and called for consistency between federal and state legislation.
Crockett, a freshman lawmaker, represents a deep blue district in Texas, and won 91.5 percent of the Democratic primary vote on Super Tuesday. Earlier in the interview, she criticized opponents of reparations because they “aren’t even willing to do the studies, aren’t willing to invest to make sure we can roll this out the right way.”

“To think that America doesn’t owe the descendants of slaves is an error.”

San Francisco has considered a reparations plan where eligible black resident age 18 or older would receive $5 million for a total cost of $175 billion to taxpayers, or $600,000 per household, according to Stanford’s nonpartisan Hoover Institution. The plan does not appear to distinguish between black descendants of slaves and black Americans who came to the country more recently. Black lawmakers in California have put forward over a dozen reparations bills after the state’s reparations task force produced recommendations to make amends for the historical wrong of slavery.
Evanston, Illinois became the first city to pay reparations in 2021 after the city voted to provide $400,000 to eligible black households funded by donations and a 3 percent tax on recreational marijuana. The payments did not cure black poverty and divided residents as the program ran into bureaucratic issues. WTF


Lazy ass blacks are disproportionately the recipients of programs likes the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, a 2013 report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that most households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult receiving the benefit work, and of those with families.
Being labeled a victim gives rise to certain entitlements, benefits, and preferences in society. The surest way to get something for nothing in today’s society is to elevate one’s status to that of the oppressed. Many of the modern victim movements — the gay rights movement, the feminist movement . Is it any wonder 53% of Americans don’t work ?

We’ve Crossed The Tipping Point; Most Americans Now Receive Government Benefits.

In 2023 some 55.7 percent of U.S. households received benefits from one or more government programs—about 191 million out of an estimated 344.8 million Americans. Along with 30,million illegals .
About 68% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit, including Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches and housing assistance, compared to 30% for native-led households, according to the report from the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for lower levels of immigration.

Those numbers increase for households with children, with 76% of immigrant-led households receiving welfare, compared to 52% for the native-born.

This if allowed will promote the free for all that is typical of a collapsing empire. They already are trying to do this with student loan forgiveness now add more free things. Back to farming!

Venezuela: How a rich country collapsed .
Venezuela was once the richest country in Latin America. Here’s how it fell apart. The country turned toward socialism in 1999 .
And the government far overspent on welfare programs

The same can be said of Argentina, Canada, Australia, NZ and of course the US.

The US is not a socialist state. Our fiscal issues is not about entitlement spending but of a military and money laundering kind.

Over 50% of our budget is ENTITLEMENTS !!!

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World War 2 was the bloodiest conflict in human history. More than 65 million World War 2 casualties resulted in death, more than 2.5% of the world population at the time. Of those, an estimated 25 million were military personnel, while the rest were civilians, mostly Jews.

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