Or B, with the new trade deal you’ll start seeing a large exodus of illegals back to MX or perhaps even leaving for Canada.
A very high percentage of their illegals are hard working people that came there seeking jobs and who will eventually leave rather than become parasites on the dole.
If that were true for all of the illegals then they wouldn’t be freaking out so much about this whole means-tested benefit thing that the Supreme Court ruled on.
Either way I don’t really care about the situation of illegals.
Well I can not help but look at this in a broader perspective as it relates to the federal funding issue as you just intimated. First step and victory was Trump winning the public Charge rule. Next is the DACA issue. If Trump wins this, then it’s game over for places like California. There is no way at the rate California is headed that they can sustain a sound fiscal policy that has the state returning to the black. The state spends more than it takes in and 40% of its budget is wasted on entitlement spending. If the voters of California don’t want to do anything about this then they should live with their decisions and not burden the rest of the country by asking for federal monies to fund their welfare socialist state.
They haven’t had anything resembling a sustainable fiscal policy for several decades. They’ve managed to keep the state from imploding simply by shifting funds around to cover the latest big issue but it always lads to neglect and decay in other areas.
California is like a couple that makes a ton of money but lives off of credit cards that are all maxed out, all it takes is one seemingly minor event that then starts the spiral of missing a payment here and there until eventually you’ve built up so many penalty charges the whole house of cards collapses and you find yourself in bankruptcy.