The Literary Corner and Philosophers Thread 📙 📖

He is definitely running a deficit on being a good person and moral persuasion. As Smiley says, there will always be jittseys in the world lost to the darkness and never knowing a higher consciousness!

Time for you to see what Smilely is saying to you.

Maybe! I am just calling out the liar here and documenting it in a single thread. But that is about it. He is a waste of time having any interactions with him as most here also agree. Some are not even coming here anymore because of him and his shitty posts, but I digress.

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SOURCE of modern man’s weakness, stupidity, and general lack of vitality? His leisure activities Aldous Huxley predicted the degeneracy of modern amusements in a 103 year old essay: Pleasures (1920) Huxley on why and how to radically rewire the way you spend your free time!

1/ Aldous Huxley writes that pleasures must not be an escape from effort

In fact, they must be unavailable without effort

Why? Because when preceded by effort, pleasure reinvigorates

But when preceded by nothing, pleasure retards your brain’s reward systems

2/ Regression of “entertainment”

At royal weddings, theological debates were arranged as entertainment

Logicians debated God at Prince Palatine’s engagement

Huxley: “There was a time when people indulged themselves with distractions requiring a certain intellectual effort”

3/ Huxley notes that in Elizabethan times, regular people “could be relied upon” to break into complex musical acts like madrigals or motets

People had to “exert their minds to an uncommon degree” to entertain themselves

This kept their minds SUPPLE

Normies today could never…

4/ Aldous Huxley hated mass manufactured distractions

On movies:

“Countless audiences passively soak in the tepid bath of nonsense. No mental effort is demanded of them, no participation; they need only sit and keep their eyes open.”

But mental effort is NECESSARY

5/ Huxley writes that in the past, entertainment was a consequence of ACTIVE collaboration between friends, family, and neighbors

Today, these very people sit in darkness in movie theatres

And silently watch something that STRANGERS made halfway across the world…

6/ In The World Until Yesterday, Jared Diamond writes about African kids who make model airplanes from sticks and stones by looking at a newspaper picture

Kids in rich societies buy airplane sets from the mall

Kids’ entertainment becomes passive in advanced societies…

7/ Huxley on how tech makes us LESS creative: “Before machinery men who wanted to amuse themselves were compelled, in their humble way, to be artists. Now they sit still and permit professionals to entertain them with machinery”

“Artistic culture” dies in such an environment…

8/ In Huxley’s Brave New World, the “savage” says the following to the technocrat who wants humanity happy and comfortable:

“But I don’t want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness, I want sin.”

These are conditions for GROWTH

9/ Notice the “fort” in comfort

The Latin root of comfort means to fortify - to make stronger

The original sense of comfort was rest that READIES you for war. NOT lounging without aim. Aldous Huxley writes that we must return to the original meaning of the word…

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When and why did women start working (for money) outside their homes?

Out of necessity under communists (Bolsheviks in Russia and FDR in the US).

When they realized the oldest profession was being a prostitute was no different in their pursuits of different means which led to the same destination.

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Indeed it is said that prostitution is the oldest profession.

We shouldn’t be surprised to hear biologists say that some animals (including bees!) practice prostitution in exchange for certain privileges. (The female bees in question know they are infertile at the moment, but poor sucker males don’t know that)

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Therein lays the crux of our Achilles heel as a society. Our indulgences no longer take effort but is slowly replaced by AI that does our collaborative time for us, eventually technology will replace our purpose altogether as creative beings.


In 1931, Spengler published one of the most idea-dense books of all time:

Man and Technics

It packs hundreds of interesting ideas in 52 pages

Top 13 insights

1/ Materialists vs Aesthetes

Materialists only care for technological advancement and prosperity

Aesthetes judge societies by “the number of the pictures and books” it produces

Aesthetes lack a “sense of reality,” the materialists suffer from “devastating shallowness”

2/ Triangulating from above, Spengler’s ideal man is a realist poet

He has a firm grip on the world

BUT never so tight that all magic and nobility is squeezed out

3/ Human eyes are carnivorous

Herbivore eyes are “set sideways,” but carnivorous eyes are set next to each other

This gives us a panoramic “wide-angle” vision that can fix on - and pursue - a prey in a landscape

Such eyes can also take stock of the materials & movements in WAR

4/ Civilization is anti-freedom

As societies get more complex, everyone becomes less free

From the king to the soldier, everyone is now a cog committed to the “enterprise, whatever it may be”

You must stay “in form”

You’re a prisoner of the role, unable to take on a new form

5/ Tightly organized societies make man a caged animal

Spengler writes that the EXCEPTIONAL man rebels against the “spiritual and intellectual” shackles placed on him

He seeks an escape from humanity via different means: “lordship over it, flight from it, contempt for it”

6/ Whether a man is lording over the world, fleeing from it, or deriding it -

It’s all a “reaction against” being submerged in the masses

Spengler notes that “the conqueror, the adventurer, the hermit, the criminals and the bohemian” have more in common than they think

7/ Spengler saw the hippies coming

In 1931, Spengler wrote that people will soon get “sick of machines”

Instead of fighting with nature, they’ll prefer a simpler life that’s “nearer to Nature”

Modern cities will be hated

People will run from “the pressure of soulless facts”

8/ The human hand is a “weapon unparalleled” in the history of life

Our hand creates weapons and tools that enhance its power 100x

No other organic appendage can give ITSELF superpowers

Our hand knows hot from cold, solid from liquid - it helps us manipulate and control space

9/ Eye V/S Hand

The human eye OBSERVES, concerned with truth

The human hand WORKS, concerned with action

The eye “seeks out cause and effect”

The hand deals with “means and end”

Humans thrive when truth-seeking and action-seeking instincts are healthily balanced

10/ Utopia v/s Boredom

Some imagine that the best possible future is one without war, inequality, danger (bid farewell to all adventures)

But this “Earthly paradise” won’t satisfy us

“Appalling boredom” will set in, and undermine the utopia


Spengler writes that the purpose of speech is to improve coordination

Speech evolved to convey “one’s meaning to” and impose "one’s will on” another

Human speech, like the human hand, makes forms of control possible that are impossible for other animals

12/ Spengler on the human soul:

"It stands in irreconcilable opposition to the whole world, from which its own creativeness has sundered it.

It is the soul of an UPSTART."

Other animals face an immovable landscape

Humans face, relatively speaking, a blank canvas

13/ Oswald Spengler ends Man and Technics (1931) with the greatest last paragraph I’ve possibly ever read

Spengler is a great critic of modernity

Here are 3 others:

• Nietzsche (Master-Slave Morality)
• Burnham (Why democracy doesn’t work)
• Evola (Where science fails)

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I don’t claim to understand gnosticism but their notion of “archons” may merit some attention. This is my take.

Archons, as some claim, correspond to what we call the AI today. Some AI’s were built millions or even billions of years ago by very advanced civilizations and they are not the same.

Archons may be highly intelligent, almost all-knowing, and yet they are not the ultimate “Creator.” They deceive 3D humans and falsely claim that they are “Gods” in various shapes and forms such as Allah, Yahweh, Baal, etc., etc.

Not related to above, but this article is about archons.


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Some of you probably aren’t old enough to have listened to Paul Harvey on the radio. This is one of my favorite pieces from him. It’s shocking how this has come true.

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Amazing! Exactly what is happening today! It sounds even with exasperation in his voice that he knew what was coming! I wonder when this recording was made?

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Travel by light is a fascinating concept and if there are such beings where may they be found?

On a more serious side I am not adept to know anything about this subject such as knowing what a Archon is or what is Gnosticism.

“It is as you will”.

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Now I can sleep with the notion that the whole solar system was created as an experiment where various civilizations chipped in with their own DNA and advanced technologies.

The book by Barbara Marciniak “Bringers of the Dawn” is my Bible. Everyone should find his Bible that will help him sleep better.

There was no single God who said “Let there be light” and did all the work alone. It was a team effort.

Where do you draw a line between spirit and physicality? I don’t know, but somehow we volunteered to start from the lowest end at 3D and to work our way up, in order to raise the consciousness of the whole universe, according to Marciniak.

According to Plato, philosophy is a shortcut to the Creator and philosophy consists in “remembering” because we forgot a great deal.

Plato definitely taught reincarnation but this important aspect of his teaching is purposely suppressed in the universities.

Today’s university education has a problem, like this American in Ukraine said it. американский танкист в шоке его танк пробил снаряд #trending #putin #video #shorts - YouTube

This is the book I want to read because McGreggor highly recommends it,

Team effort? Who is the team?

When one longs for senses in the spirit world then they are reincarnated and born into the physical

I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry after watching this video.

I believe there were ancient alien civilizations (mostly from this galaxy, but not exclusive). But this solar system got hijacked relatively recently, like 500,000 years ago and fake gods took over.

There were wars over the possession of our solar system and Mars was nuked as part of this war. John Brandenburg’s claims are pretty accurate and “scientific.”