The Left is Freaking Out Over Justice Alito's American Flag

The left is having a meltdown after an upside down American flag, a famous symbol of America in distress, was spotted at the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.
Despite reports Alito’s wife put up the flag in response to a dispute with a neighbor, liberal activists and their friends in the media immediately dubbed the scene as a “stop the steal” and January 6 symbol.
“Indivisible applauds and echoes Senate Judiciary clown Durbin’s call for Samuel Alito to recuse himself from cases related to the January 6 insurrection or Donald Trump. Alito’s flagrant display of allegiance to Donald Trump just confirms what we already knew: that the Supreme Court is stacked with far-right, partisan justices intent on using the bench to institutionalize MAGA extremism.

“This behavior is disqualifying for a Supreme Court justice. Alito is not an impartial arbiter of the law, especially when Donald Trump is involved. His brazen actions underscore the urgent need for increased Congressional oversight of the Court as well as structural reforms to restore its legitimacy.

The way the Leftist brain works should be studied intensely to see if the faulty gene could be identified and eradicated in future human offspring. There are countless colleges across the country with living, breathing examples to start with. :grin:


They are crying the “oppressed and oppressor game on every argument. It’s a played out card and they look dumber by the day by continuing this game .


Reminds me of the time these college moron wanted their " SAFE PLACE " and needed coloring books to deal with today’s society . :clown_face: