The Growing Division in Conservatism. We are lorded over by Mercenaries!

Someone really has their history screwed up.

Wyoming was first territory to implement woman suffrage…in fact it refused to accept statehood without it.

In fact it was mostly western territories that pushed, demanded it which I might add was consider a conservative hotbed.

But they also allowed opium dens and whore houses.

I think both ideas would be considered progressive. One socially and another educational.

I am not sure how you allow or disallow transgenders from using a male or female bathroom. I live in California, sometime you REALLY can’t tell if their were a man or women.

How do we address the disintegration of the family unit?

Dude… you have been lied to. The titles are masks. You are no more progressive than the characters in Aristophenes’ comedic play The Ecclesiazusae, radical feminists who pretend to be their husbands in their legislative assembly and institute socialism. Ancient Greeks knew it was worthy of ridicule over 2000 years ago. It was presented with jokes about turds and bodily functions.

Someone put lipstick on your ancient socioeconomic pig and told you to kiss. And you DID. LoL … :smile:

From over 2000 years ago…A little excerpt…

PRAXAGORA to the audience

Let none contradict nor interrupt me until I have explained my plan. I want all to have a share of everything and all property to be in common; there will no longer be either rich or poor; no longer shall we see one man harvesting vast tracts of land, while another has not ground enough to be buried in, nor one man surround himself with a whole army of slaves,while another has not a single attendant; I intend that there shan only be one and the same condition of life for all.


But how do you mean for all?

PRAXAGORA impatiently

You’ll eat dung before I do!


Won’t the dung be common too?


No, no, but you interrupted me too soon. This is what I wasgoing to say; I shall begin by making land, money, everything that is privateproperty, common to all. Then we shall live on this common wealth, which we shall take care to administer with wise thrift.


And how about the man who has no land, but only gold and silver coins, that cannot be seen?


He must bring them to the common stock, and if he fails he will be a perjured man.


That won’t worry him much, for has he not gained them by perjury?


But his riches will no longer be of any use to him.




The poor will no longer be obliged to work; each will have all that he needs, bread, salt fish, cakes, tunics, wine, chaplets and chick-pease; of what advantage will it be to him not to contribute his share to the common wealth? What do you think of it?


But is it not the biggest robbers that have all these things?


Yes, formerly, under the old order of things; but now thatall goods are in common, what will he gain by not bringing his wealth into the general stock?


If someone saw a pretty wench and wished to lay her, he would take some of his reserve store to make her a present and stay the night with her; this would not prevent him claiming his share of the common property.


But he can sleep with her for nothing; I intend that womenshall belong to all men in common, and each shall beget children by any man that wishes to have her


That is where you and I differ.

You live in California. Perhaps you really cannot tell if a transgender is a man or a woman. That may be “your” norm.

However, it is not the norm here where I live. Where I live a male posing as a female is an abomination. It is not our “norm”.

Yet, allowing a parent to choose a school for their child is welcomed where I live. Perhaps where you live it isn’t.

Your “norm” should not be imposed upon me and mine. Nor should my “norm” be imposed upon you and yours.

Transgenderism is a mental illness! There is no way my kid is going to be confused who their mom and dad is! Lol!