The Growing Division in Conservatism. We are lorded over by Mercenaries!

That is an inference out of context. He certainly said that the free market was not a stand-alone solution to family problems. He said that Market capitalism is not a religion. It may be required to compromise to achieve conservative goals for the family. But that it tore the family apart? No… in the context of his total piece, he did not say that.

I’m talking about it because Tucker talked about it in the video.

And the fact that he did not point to capitalism as a cure for the ills he described is exactly what I found interesting about the piece.

Conservatism isn’t the problem, the problem is modern liberalism and leftist policies undermine conservatism

Liberal policies for the most part have been destructive , practically every issue plaguing America today has been touched by liberal policies.
The family
Law Enforcement
Judicial decision
Financial markets
I could go on and on

A lot you of you libs are thinking… buddy you are full of shit, typical conservative bull shit.

I will give you one example.

Minimum wage.

FDR ordered the first federal minimum wage on behalf of his union and New York buddies, why?
Because of the problem of southern blacks working for cheaper taking jobs away from the white man.

But look at the problems and spin off from Minimum wage, espcailly after Nixon took America off the gold exchange.

Today minimum wage prevents a lot of unskilled and uneducated laborers to get their first job, without the first job they cannot develop skills for a higher paying job and where do you think they turn to when they cant get jobs

Minimum wage has led to affirmative action, and we all know the effects of Affirmative action and a lot of incompetent federal workers.

Just go to the local DMV and post office to know what Im talking about

liberals talk about progressiveness , well look at American society today, can you tell me that its a good thing , can you honestly tell us that conservatism is the problem plaguing American society today?


Some progressiveness is good. But not all. Conservative exist, primarily, as a check on rampant progressiveness.

Conservativism is not the problem plaguing society and neither is progressiveness.

Do you even know where the progressive movement started in America?

You inferred that since Tucker isn’t touting capitalism as the cure, that he must believe big government LIB solutions are the answer. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Why does it matter?

Progressiveness is not the problem and neither is conservativism. They serve to balance each other out. When that doesn’t happen, we getting people freaking out about straws (rampant progressiveness) or women not having the right to vote (rampant conservativism)

It does matter, and you can’t answer the question. “Progressivism” is a big giant lie, one in which you bought hook line and sinker apparently!

Then tell me why it is a lie? Discuss with substance for once. I gave you my assessment of both progressiveness and conservativism. Your turn.

progressiveness is what divided the democrat party and Republican party today.

Are you going to tell me progressivism is a good thing?

I don’t know how old you are but I remember a time when I was young, Lipping off to your parents was considered as condition of getting your ass spanked, lipping off to teacher was a no no, being disrespectful to a cop was considered suicide.

You could walk to school or take public transit with your friends when you were 12 years old without parent supervision, today you wouldn’t let your 12 year old walk alone without their cell phone with GPS monitoring capabilities

Boys used try and date girls and vice versa, if you were in closet you could find others in the closet, but today, with 59 different genders, if youre a hetrosexual man you are confused because you are not sure what you’re meeting today. I feel sorry for men and women today.

Is she CIS ( you are praying for it) is she transgender, non binary or other politically accepted genders.

progressivism isn’t a good thing, progress is

Like I said, I am not going to waste my time with intellectually bankrupt people like you! Go bother someone else. I am done with you!

In general yes it is a good thing so long as it is checked by conservativism. Progressiveness got women the right to vote, slaves released, black people the right to vote, women work place protections, social security, etc.

Unchecked progressiveness can be a problem. Just like uncheck conservativism.

Still have yet to provide a coherent thought on the subject. Interesting

unchecked conservatism ? like unfettered capitalism right?

The progressive movement wasnt responsible for slaves being released, that was the civil war and the republicans

For women allowed to vote, that was passed by the 66th Congress which the republicans held both chambers, Democrats did squat.

Social security yeah that was FDR’s baby.

And now with those things done long long ago, and the need for activists to achieve them gone, there is an utterly useless and destructive sector of society that needs to create crises and needs where there would be none if they - the so called progressive liberals - just went away. Black people writing racist graffiti on the walls is a microcosm of the entire progressive liberal movement. Progs removing incentives to work and binding the poor in chains of entitlements is another.

It is pointless having a discussion with you when you are out of your depth of knowing or being versed in the economic intricacies that is having larger implications in how it is affecting the current political discourse within the American ruling class and the political system in general!

Not to mention LBJ’s “Great Society” that exacerbated the destructive policies of the left and systematically undermined African Americans becoming slaves to government dependency programs, all but destroying its nucleus of family values and sense of independence!


amen, no argument from me here, 100% spot on Dr_Manhattan

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And I second that. Whenever I get up on my high horse to preach from my soap box, I often point to LBJ’s “Great Society” as the catalyst.

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You could also add Carter’s “community reinvestment act” that ultimately led to the 2008 Financial crisis of the Mortgage and loan industry, as well as Clinton’s Illegal merger of Citi and Travelers group that led to him repealing the Glass Steagal Act. All fine Democrats that were self serving in their beliefs! I can only think of only one democrat to this day that was worth a dam, but even so, by today’s standards would be considered a conservative!

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