The Greatest Threat to America

The Greatest Threat to America

By Matt Kane

While still early, this primary season is already turning out to be unlike any other. It is not uncommon to see both parties experience a competitive primary with numerous candidates, however, that usually only occurs when the sitting president is concluding his second term in office, making him ineligible for another election. Yet Biden already has two declared challengers seeking the Democrat nomination. On the Republican side, President Trump is seeking to become only the second president in U.S. history to win a non-consecutive term. Because of that, there are essentially two candidates in the race that, to some extent, hold an incumbency advantage.

As always, candidates will attempt to separate themselves from the pack by informing the electorate about the greatest threats facing America, while also trying to convince voters that they have better solutions than their opponents. However, the greatest present threat facing America is unlike any other in history: itself.

While this is an inconvenient truth, America was warned about this long before any of us were born when our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, stated:

“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

If America is to be fundamentally destroyed, it will come from the people within, as opposed to enemies abroad. Furthermore, Lincoln suggests that we must actively work together and remain united and strong as a nation to prevent our demise, or else it will surely happen. This unfortunately sounds like a strikingly realistic possibility at this current time.


If our election has two knuckleheads over 75 year of age trying to run our Country we are doomed !!! When in the fuck do these politicians RETIRE ?

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When in the fuck do these politicians RETIRE ?

When we somehow get term limits?


Unfortunately you are asking Politicians to take a pay cut when you propose such revolutionary ideas. And it might take an revolutionary act to get terms limits to be a reality! One thing our forefathers got wrong!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I know. That’s why I said somehow. :joy:

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There are actually four senators older than Leahy in the chamber, including Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dianne Feinstein (D-California) who are both 87 years old. (Feinstein was elected to a fifth full term in 2018 although she has, of late, faced questions about her mental fitness for the job. Grassley remains undecided as to whether he will run for an eighth term next November.)

And it doesn’t stop there! There are 21 senators between 70 and 80 – including Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) who turns 80 this fall, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) who turns 79 next month.

Can’t we elect a Congress under 40 years of age ?
Can’t we elect a Senate under the age of 40 ? WTF !!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I am like: WTF? Doesn’t the mandatory retirement age of 65 apply to these narcissists.


I was of the understanding that there is no mandatory retirement age for anyone in any career? There is a full retirement age to collect SS, but no mandatory age for retirement… to
my knowledge.

I do think there needs to be a mandatory retirement age for politicians.

These old politicians will retire when taken out tbe House and Senate in BODY BAGS. American voters should have enough intelligence to not reelect these people.
Alot of voters BITCH about polititicans but keep voting them in every election year despite their voting record as long as peoples tax dollars come to their district. Maybe we need to have a type of MENTAL ACUITY TEST for voters before term limits.

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Now that is a scary thought.

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Maybe voters should be required to pass a basic government test before they are allowed to vote.



That was pretty much my point. Mental decline starts to happen within our 50’s to 60’s how the fk are we being ruled by a bunch of senile, depends wearing morons? They are putting the rest of us in danger!


And Rump / Biden feel they are immune to aging ! WTF .


There should be an age limit to being president and a mandatory retirement age.

Throw in term limits end of congressional, presidential retirement and you have a plan.

Why should Obama, Bush get retirements when both are multimillionaires as well as Obama making his fortune on the presidency? Carter, a 4 year failed presidency and retirement for the rest of his long life???

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