The Face Of the Democratic Party is Losing it!

Holy canolli, Tom Perez is having a major brain malfunction on stage! Pretty much speaks to the mental state of every democratic person in the country right now! :rofl:

At the 5:30 mark is where your earlier post of Paul Harvey predicts all this coming to fruition “If I were the Devil.”

Unfortunately everything we are seeing from the Democratic party today is indicative of a party representing degeneracy in all forms. We are in the throws of a dying empire and Mark Levin is trying to sell a few books.

Revelations 17 Verse 17

"For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and give their Kingdom unto the beast, *until the words of God shall be fulfilled"

This is a perfect example of the Democratic party endorsement of today’s degeneracy. Sodom and Gomorrah style or when Moses went to the mountains. Take your pick!

This was in New York City over the weekend.


Hard to tell if those were dudes breasts or not​:sneezing_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Ha ha h! Lol! I was thinking the same thing!

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Democrats can’t see how extremely racist this is?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I know quite a few black people that would disagree with her. Then again, the black people I know are successful in life… because they worked for that success.

Exactly! The entire Afirmative action argument by people such as Michael and Barack is a weak one at best. Now we have white liberals trying to lecture us about not succeeding in a merit based system? I think I am going to puke! What is more disgraceful is white fking liberals (pardon my language) but they piss me off the most with their endless gas lighting. I know this personally because its these very same fking assholes who think they have the right to speak for my people about bullshit that happened over 150 to 200 years ago. I want to punch them in the face every time they open their fking pie holes about this bullshit. The time is now, not 2, 3, or 400 years ago!


I just saw this on Twitter and was not sure if this is where to post this.

What is wrong with this woman? She serves in Congress in your Government right?

She is a clown, and is a perfect example of the dumb people serving in elected office today that has no business being there.