The End Game is Here 🎯 đŸŽ±

What to do about it?

(1) Be a “prepper”. It’s not rocket science. Every patriot should be able to be independent of the ‘supply chain’ for a month, three months, six months 
 It’s just basic prudence.

In Ukraine, they had a thousand warnings, over the last fifteen years, that there might be big trouble with Russia. Why wasn’t every Ukrainian home stocked up with food and water and the other necessities of life?

Here’s a great link to other links:
[ ] It’s the home site of a really excellent two-volume book that covers almost everything you’ll need to know, written by someone with a lot of practical experience of operating in hostile environments.

(2) Organize. The Right is disastrously-bad at building national organizations: the Three Percenters, the OathKeepers, the Civilian Defense Force – all have self-destructed (perhaps with some outside help).

Our side is full of strong personalities and – let’s face it – people with not-small egos. We’ve got to learn to work together, despite differences. When you can get a team together, you begin to get the advantages of specialization and the division of labor, the adaptation that, more than anything else, has pulled us up out of the savage condition into civilization.

We need a national organization, but in the meantime – organize locally. You can start just by getting together with people you know locally who share your worldview, and discussing how you can help each other out if TSHTF. Something as simple as getting discounts for bulk purchases of food is a start.

A dozen people who have some rudimentary organization, who have planned ‘what to do if’, who are able to mobilize as a group quickly – is ten times as powerful as a dozen isolated individuals, even if each of those individuals is ‘prepared’.

These people seem to be moving in the right direction:

Watch out for infiltrators who will try to provoke you into saying, writing, doing something stupid. We are legal, peaceful citizens exercising our democratic rights within the law. We are not insurrectionists, terrorists, out to overthrow a legal government.

Anyone who tries to pull you in some other direction is working for the enemy, maybe for free, but to the same effect.

You schizos need to take your meds.

You mean all the meds made in China?

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Coming from the asshole who basically denied there was no “World Economic forum” and that such claims were mere conspiracy theories. You are a fking moron as usual. Bit of advice, start worry about how you are going to feed yourself, then coming here opening your vacuous pie hole with hurling insults. Fact is no one is listening to little short leftos PR’s or progressives idiots like you anymore!


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It is rumored that the Democratic party by way of Jan 6th Committee are planning to arrest Donald Trump. They want a civil war, and this act alone will certainly accelerate those ends to new beginnings.

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A commentary that precisely expresses what many working class citizens are feeling and going through. The crisis that we are all experiencing right now was all created by the rich elite class for more control.

Furthering the riots and protests happening all over the world.

Winter is coming!

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Connecting all the dots

Selling out American is and has always been part of it.

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People are not paying attention. When Texans start selling their livestock off what do you think comes next?

Are you paying attention yet?


Whether or not there is a conscious plan to bring about a system-changing crisis, it should be clear to anyone who’s been paying attention that we are heading into really dangerous times.

We may see the beginning of a war in Middle East within weeks, as Iran is ready to put together a nuclear weapon, and the US has said it will use all its power – which means military power, not just scolding – to stop that. Iran will have the support of Russia and China.

And there are half-dozen other developing trends pointing towards crisis going on simultaneously.

What can patriots do about this?

First of all, prepare. If anything really goes down, the citizenry will be divided into two classes: preppers, and victims.

So every patriot family should be able to sit out a complete disruption of the system that normally brings us our food, water, electricity, gas. Aim for at least three months’ self-sufficiency. Of course this means the ability to defend your family.

But over and above that, we must organize. A dozen people who are organized, even in a rudimentary way, have far more power than a dozen isolated individuals.

Here’s a first step that anyone can take: get the ability to communicate with neighbors, and with family members who are not at home but in the neighborhood, even if the internet and phone system go down: get a ‘walkie-talkie’ and practice using it.

A not-very-expensive one is the Baofeng 5UV-R: More about it here: What Do You Need To Know About The Baofeng Radio Range?

You can get six for $22 each. Everyone in your family should have one.

There are similar radios which are somewhat better, and more expensive 
 but don’t let the best be the enemy of the good. Something is better than nothing.

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This Picture illustrates why most governments across the world have behaved in a similarly left-authoritarian way. Its not a theory if it’s in broad daylight.


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Biowarfare and the Brave New World

This is pretty crazy stuff going on here, in this deep read a lot of it makes sense. The purpose is not to stoke fear but to inform.