The End Game is Here 🎯 đŸŽ±

Stock up enough food. In the meantime, keep a low profile and wait for God’s intervention.

Russia is doing God’s work, it seems like.

Russia is fighting the armies of Gog and Magog and their allies. Both militarily and financially (gold standard) against the Khazarian mafia

Teach other Christians who are 100% mistaken about who Gog and Magog is.

Gog = Gokturks (Khazars who invaded peaceful Palestine from the north to rob and murder)

Magog = Mongols (Racial origin of Khazars, as well as their homeland which is northern China or Mongolia today)

Hey, Ezekiel butchered some names, but they are close enough. Make an allowance for that.

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Shysters. They have no shame.

Also what’s the name of the guy who owned WTC and said “Pull it!”
In the morning of 911 he was seeing people, including workers at his usual restaurant on top of the Tower, who he knew would die and to whom he said nothing. Hardly human.

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Sociopaths who can be identified as Type A personalities usually don’t have any remorse or shame.

The WEF along with their cohorts in the White House are systematically attacking the US food supply. Food shortages? Look at the price of eggs as one huge indicator!

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White genocide. That’s the long and short of it.

Isn’t Schwab while? We know his mother was a Rothschild, and his father a German nazi. But many nazis were Joos, so we don’t know.

Ashkenazi Joos from Eastern Europe don’t consider themselves white, because they deep down know that their ancestors were Khazars, an Asian people.

This guy is kin to the Anti Christ
 if he isn’t him.

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Close! However that third temple hasn’t been built yet. The question is when will it?


Or Genocide period! Death doesn’t discriminate especially with this agenda!

The Asian part is quite interesting because he states that Asians can live.

Back to this thread’s topic 'End game" is really the economic alliances that are being formed by the “BRICS” (China and Russia opposed to the Western economic system)

When it comes to the petrol dollar and the emergence of the China and Russian alliance then its easy to see why rumors of war persist. It is an easy pattern to see throughout the lens of history and why certain divisions like NATO and the rank and file are getting desperate. One thing is clear is the US Petrol dollar is now coming to an end thus the 4th turning is upon us.

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Believe it not, Auschwitz-Birkenau was an agricultural commune where they experimented with various crops and women did the gardening work outside the camp. There are candid photos of women (not necessarily Jooish) and German guards laughing at a joke or something.

The camp had various sports and recreational facilities.

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The end game look like it’s arrived. Is it “Wormwood “?

The Green Fairy?