The Democratic takeover is nearly complete

An interesting perspective from the UK.

In the days following the US presidential election in November, political centrists reached a hasty verdict. Never mind all the squabbling about voter fraud — they had won. The extremes had lost. Donald Trump, the maniac, was out; Joe Biden, the moderate, was in.

Yes, the increasingly radical Democratic party still controlled the House of Representatives, but as long as the Republicans won one of two Senate run-off races in Georgia in January, the crazies would be checked by a Republican majority in the Senate. The markets rallied. All was well in establishment la-la land, despite the pandemic.

Well, guess what? On Wednesday morning, it became clear that the Democrats had won both those Georgia races. Rev Raphael Warnock, a Baptist pastor, defeated the Grand Old Party’s Kelly Loeffler and will become Georgia’s first black Senator. And Jon Ossoff, a 33-year-old former documentary filmmaker, appeared to have unseated right-wing businessman David Perdue. Both races were extraordinarily close, and will be disputed — that’s American democracy these days. Yet the almost inevitable result, assuming Trump doesn’t magically undo the Electoral College process in the coming days, is that the Senate will now be split 50-50. All hail Kamala Harris, the incoming vice-president, who will also serve as Senate president and therefore cast the decisive vote on all the most controversial legislation.

The Democrats will control the executive and the legislative branches of government. All that stands in the way of a left-wing takeover of the most powerful country in the world is a doddery 78-year-old president who never had any firm convictions. Oh, there’s the conservative-majority Supreme Court, but the Democrats can now vote to ‘pack’ that venerable institution, appointing enough justices to make sure the judiciary supports its agenda.

Perdue accused his opponent of being endorsed by the Communist party, which was right-wing hyperbole. Yet the dreaded triumph of socialism in the land of the free, which American conservatives have been banging on about since the 19th century, suddenly looks dangerously real. Expect the new Democratic majority to use their power, and the excuse of the pandemic and/or climate change, to push through enormous spending projects, which will plunge America into ever deeper debt. Expect more government shutdowns, higher taxes, more open borders — all issues on which the Democrats are far to the left of the American public. Yet somehow, they find themselves in charge.

It’s all Trump’s fault, of course. At least that’s what most pundits will say. His last days in office have been a disgrace. The President’s monstrous tantrum about the election result either embarrassed or depressed Republican voters — why bother voting if it is all rigged? It also further energised the anti-Trump majority and swung Georgia towards the Democrats.

The dreaded triumph of socialism in the land of the free suddenly looks dangerously real

That’s only partly true. The reality is much weirder. Exit polls suggest Perdue and Loeffler outperformed Trump in the affluent, more conservative suburbs and dramatically underperformed him in poor areas and among black voters. That points towards certain death for any post-Trump, non-populist Republican party. Georgia, with its expanding African-American and Hispanic votes, and an increasingly more left-liberal urban vote in and around the city of Atlanta, is slightly ahead of Texas in terms of demographic trends. Without Trump’s gonzo appeal to socially conservative minorities and the poor, the Republicans are destined to lose the south for a long time to come. Without Georgia and Texas, it’s hard to see how any Republican can win back America.

Then again, in this age of rage against the elite, the Grand Old Party didn’t help themselves by having two multi-millionaire candidates in hotly contested seats. Loeffler is the wife of finance tycoon Jeffrey Sprecher, chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, which didn’t endear her to less affluent Georgians. She sat on the Senate Health Committee despite never having won an election. Last year it emerged that she had sold off much of her massive stock portfolio from January to March, before the mass Covid-panic kicked in. She insisted that decision was not made using insider knowledge, but the stench around her wouldn’t go away.

Perdue was arguably more of a rock-ribbed conservative, but he’s also one of the richest senators in America, and all of his public expressions of enthusiasm for President Trump were not enough to overcome the resentment which many Trump voters feel towards the Republican party. The ‘America First’ movement believes the party has betrayed the President by not unanimously backing his bid to challenge the November election. It’s possible that quite a few conservative Georgians even voted Democrat out of spite. ‘What does a Trump-Ossoff voter look like?’ asked baffled Republican pollster Patrick Ruffini on Tuesday night. The answer could be the future of right-wing politics in America.

It isn’t all good news for the Democrats. Their party is also hopelessly split between its old establishment, represented by Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and a younger progressive wing demanding social, racial, environmental and transgendered justice now. For decades, party bigwigs have kept the radicals at bay by blaming the Republicans for their failure to, as Biden would put it, ‘transform the soul’ of America. That excuse is now vanishing. Either the party will have a civil war as it tries to stop the woke revolution, or it could face a massive middle America backlash in 2022, and perhaps the return of Trump in 2024.

Kamala Harris, now the most powerful woman in America, will become the focal point of all the rancour. As somebody with her eyes fixed on the White House prize, that might not be what she wants.

In the days following the US presidential election in November, political centrists reached a hasty verdict. Never mind all the squabbling about voter fraud — they had won. The extremes had lost. Donald Trump, the maniac, was out; Joe Biden, the moderate, was in.

Yes, the increasingly radical Democratic party still controlled the House of Representatives, but as long as the Republicans won one of two Senate run-off races in Georgia in January, the crazies would be checked by a Republican majority in the Senate. The markets rallied. All was well in establishment la-la land, despite the pandemic.

Well, guess what? On Wednesday morning, it became clear that the Democrats had won both those Georgia races. Rev Raphael Warnock, a Baptist pastor, defeated the Grand Old Party’s Kelly Loeffler and will become Georgia’s first black Senator. And Jon Ossoff, a 33-year-old former documentary filmmaker, appeared to have unseated right-wing businessman David Perdue. Both races were extraordinarily close, and will be disputed — that’s American democracy these days. Yet the almost inevitable result, assuming Trump doesn’t magically undo the Electoral College process in the coming days, is that the Senate will now be split 50-50. All hail Kamala Harris, the incoming vice-president, who will also serve as Senate president and therefore cast the decisive vote on all the most controversial legislation.

A link for the less capable. And no, I didn’t write the article so the morons know for sure…

It’s weird cnn just ran a story about shootings in Chicago which they never did, )fear of exposing how horrible their policies are)
Looks like they are going after guns.

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And not a bit surprising. The easiest way to end an uprising is to ensure the people are disarmed.

The problem continues to be braindead voters. These voters have brain matter made up of Silly Putty that Leftist Media can mold into any type of thinking.The Leftists from the Goebels University feed their propaganda to the Pravdas that support Commiecrats ideology. The WEAK MINDED voters accept this as truth
These voters have chosen a SENILE man who can’t find his way off stage without his wifes help and " campaigned " from his basement bunker over a president who is at times obnoxious and has an abrasive personality but isn’t senile and has made America better than ever in his 4yrs.Now well have Elmer Fudd prrident.

Neither party can entice the best and the brightest.

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The one good thing is the fact that the Democrats do not have 50 votes to pack the SCOTUS. (Sen. Joe Manchin–D-WV–has already said that he will not vote in favor of this.)


Hey trumpliCON losers the Dems are going to fill up the Supreme Court…FILL ER UP WAY UP


Time for a bath and bed time. Mommy said you are worked up and need night, night time.

Poor little loser…hows it feel to lose everything huh… you guys will be in the back of the room begging…
begging your asses off…moscow mitch will beg and beg to get anything that he could say he did…but no moscow mitch you’re going to get nothing nada…for as far as the eye can see nothing…


By responding to the ass wipe you enable his behavior.

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Nah… this forum enables his behavior. No place else would tolerate this shit. Why is he allowed to post? Why is he not banned? Why is he allowed to continue as he does? I don’t mind a differing opinion, but he is just rude and obnoxious to everyone. I don’t mind that he doesn’t agree with me, but I do mind that he’s allowed to act like a little bitch on here. I’ve been on enough other forums to know that this crap isn’t tolerated from anyone.

My time might be close to an end here. I thought this place was for adults to disagree in a mature way…civil discourse… but I guess not.

And it is however we have the agitators like this moron as well as monte and those that drop in sumo and run back to their leftist forums.

It’s a free speech site and the idiots can post whatever they like. The difference is, do people respond which is what they want or ignore them as they contribute nothing but hate speech.

What does free speech have to do with conducting yourself by the rules of the forum? Now I’ve taken this off topic. I apologize… and I’m done with this.

Just put him on ignore. Don’t let this retarded asshat discourage your other interactions from having meaningful discussions. Normally he would be banned, but Moderators are probably giving it more time to allow this imbecile to hang himself with his own rope.

Civil discourse hahaaha what a fukin joke… your a pie of lying scumbags enablers
of the biggest crooked con man in history …Hey I think your time has passed don’t let
the door kick you in your pig ass…you’re worse than the terrorists…hahahaha get the
fuk out or I have you banned…

Hey dr manHOLE hows your circle jerkers club doin huh… I hear your starting a black
circle jerker club since you have your secret private black club…Hows it going for ya huh…
I’m always looking out for the best for you ya know…

These red necks here don’t like you sneaking around with those black circle jerkers that may get you banned huh…have you told your wife about all your circle jerkin huh hey go get those lips disinfected will ya…

You see? I live in this morons head rent free! :rofl: :rofl:

You are better off talking to a 9 year old than to this POS garbage subhuman!

The ignore feature works!

goodie goodie goodie another dumb ass fool bites the dust huh. there’s going to be a lot jumping the ship here because their messiah trumputin turned into a colossal piece of shit to stupid to beat a guy that didn’t have to do much to kick his ass…hahaha

Only 4 years trumputin managed to lose everything everything hahahahaha…so there’s nothing left just put your tail between your legs and fly out the door…Maybe you can go and learn what good people are like instead the fukin fool retrumpliCONS…that are a dying breed…audios chump

I get busy and kick the rest you losers out soon…

Hey dr manHOLE did you see I kicked out your bed partner soulpatrol he was a impish
little trumputinCON and when his god went down the toilet he has to head out cuz there’s
noting left to say when you hook your star to a burnt out bulb there’s nothing left to say

You should point out and complain about all the rude people here who don’t follow the forum rules, not just ones you disagree with…