The Cult of Trump

I am waiting for your first post that indicates you are possibly an intelligent life form. So far, a tree stump could post more intelligently than you

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Enough of them to do what? Why are you people so fearful?

The coalitions we’ve built in the WOT show otherwise. don’t be such a defeatest.

Enough of them to make good on their threats hence the first attack on the WTC’s, 9-11, and all of the attacks across Europe and far flung places like Indonesia, The Philippines, Malaysia, not to mention all across Africa.

All of those terrorist acts are the result of the spread of Radical Islam in the ME across the rest of the world.

Recognizing that threats exist and preparing to deal with them is not “living in fear”, cowering and pretending they do not exist is.

That’s pretty funny…

Republicans make up a scant 26% of the electorate and the fringe dullards, although the most obnoxious, rude and incivil, and bark the loudest, are a fraction of that…

There is absolutely no data to support such a ridiculous and patently false statement.

Trump’s approval numbers are higher today than when he was elected.

Your gross hypocrisy about insulting people on full display again.

You are a lying hypocrite.

That’s the kind of personal attacks and insults you’ll get from Trump supporters and should be obvious to you why they applaud his rudeness and incivility.

So many ways. Here’s just one. He claims he got 52% of the women’s vote. He got 42% of the women’s vote. He did get 52% of white women’s vote, obviously they’re all that matter to him.

More of your hypocritical insults.

Good lord, if that’s the best you can come up with you have already hung and impaled yourself on your own sword.

Ya don’t want to show that flag around here…:wink:

You are then by definition a supporter of terrorists and terrorism.

Thanks for making it plain.

Correct. As long as he’s doing two things, the rest doesn’t matter…:wink:

Well that’s certainly another lie on your part based on nothing but your own anti Trump bias.

Wow. It is funny, not to mention sad and ignorant, that you from the party of socialism, murdering children and sexual perverts has the nerve to call any Republican “fringe”. You, from the party of brown shirt bullies in the streets called “Antifa” has the nerve to call any Republican uncivil.

My fellow forum members, lets look at the facts:

During Obama’s two terms in office, Democrats experienced a net loss of 968 state legislative seats, the largest net loss of state legislative seats in this category since World War II. The second-largest loss occurred following Dwight D. Eisenhower’s two terms in office, when Republicans were handed a net loss of 843 state legislative seats.

Democratic U.S. Senate seats fell from 55 to 46. Their share of the House plummeted from 256 seats to 194. … Democratic governorships also became a rarity during this eight-year period, slipping from 28 to 16.

After the election of Obama, there was much talk of a new era – that a coalition of young, minority and female voters would usher in gains for the Democrats for decades. That did not happen

He lost the House, then lost the Senate, then because of his socialist extremism gave the White House to Trump.

Obama’s Democrat Party has been a loser for 8 years on a colossal scale.

Now, we Republicans lost one, the House, for a brief times, a temporary setback. But one loss does not alter the fact that this sick anti-American party, the Democrats, and their anti-American policies, have reduced their ranks drastically since the Kenyan Socialist Pig was elected in 2008.

As usual, montecrappo is a pathological liar, and a delusional supporter of evil.


I do. But in time measured in centuries.

Radical leftists will eat their own… or allow others to do it … every time.


Sooner or later they will, unfortunately it’s usually later, long after the damage has been done.