The case against mandatory masks and vaccines for the Obama Virus

Nope. In November he was reelected in a landslide, and it took voter fraud to overturn his landslide victory. Only an IDIOT thinks that racist neo-Nazi Adolf Biden actually won a legitimate election.
Trump will be back in 2024. And he will fix what the goose steppers broke.

The claims were legitimate. He was denied that.
In 2024, he’ll be back. And he’ll clean house of the goose steppers who committed fraud in the first place.

You can insult the Americans who rejected Trump all you want. The claims of fraud have never been substantiated.

Even judges he appointed repudiated his frivolous claims….:joy::joy::joy:

The fraud WAS substantiated. And a MINORITY of idiots (along with illegal aliens sending in multiple votes and copy machines) voted for Jim Crow Joe.

Zero proof of any of that nonsense. Your boy lost….:wink:

Intelligent people understand.
Trump won in a landslide, which is why they STOPPED the vote counting on Election Night.


Jim Crow Joe did NOT legally win the presidency. He might as well have shot his way into power.

You’ve got to be massively STUPID to think that senile Nazi won against Trump, the greatest president in history.

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Ok Reason 10….
You can be ignored along with all the others that can’t have a conversation without name calling and personal insults…:man_shrugging:

What are you 5? You’re a commie you get no respect in America

The phrase “Intelligent people understand:” is an insult?
In what parallel universe?

These Woke goose steppers really HATE to lose an argument.

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No, the insinuation that I’m not an intelligent person, as I disagree with you, just like the courts, up to and including the SCOTUS does….And we all certainly understand what’s going on with the conspiratorial fringe right….

What if Trump’s family was involved ? :thinking: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:


The Courts legislated from the bench that Dred Scott was the legal property of a white man. The Courts legislated that a BABY was not a legally protected human being.
The Courts ignored REAMS of evidence of massive voter fraud in those battleground states. Reasonable intelligent people get that.
The alleged “right” wing makes up a majority of LEGAL voters in this country. Apparently LEGAL elections don’t mean anything to you Woke goose steppers any more.
You DID however spend three years whining about RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, claiming Trump’s landslide victory was fake. And there was ZERO evidence to justify spending MILLIONS of dollars on that failed investigation by Robert Mueller, so you FRINGE LEFT WING KOOKS really have no leg to stand on.

Intelligent people see the contrast.

LIke I said many times, only an IDIOT would think that election was legitimate.

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All of that is certainly true. Every bit of it. And only an IDIOT who hates America would want to continue that.

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Well, if you think the courts are wrong, then you’ve got your work cut out. In the meantime, a majority of American voters evicted Trump and denied him a second term…:blush:

He actually had 11 million more voters than he did in 2016 he also won close to 90% of the counties across America … hehe

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That is a lie. A MAJORITY of America LEGAL voters reelected this great president. It was voter fraud, illegal aliens and copy machines that put that idiot Biden in the oval office.

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