The Biden Administration Just Forced Every American Town To Host Illegal Immigrants

Yeah, the courts would also be involved.

the right-leaning think tank American Action Forum produced a report on the feasibility of the plan that candidate Trump promised of rounding up all (11 million he said) undocumented immigrants and deporting them all……

Why has Biden opened the border and allowed over 3 million illegals to enter the country???

I assume your being beyond sarcastic.

Nope! Its a legitimate question. I have no idea if you know how to use a firearm or whether or not you are trained and ready when the SHTF to defend yourself. Its not something that I remember you previously discussing or in your wheel house!

Also your OP’s tagline should read almost every American town, whereas Native American Sovereign Nations are in no way under any circumstances being forced by this administration to host illegal immigrants. Unless of course you acknowledge or omit that as being qualified under your terms as “American Town”.

Are not states.

A compliant state government is targeted as first choice as well as established organizations in states to support the populations.

Dumping illegals in Wyoming would be foolish as they generally are not welcomed by the state nor cities and there are few support organizations. Compare that to Colorado, California or NY sanctuary states as well as many cities and counties.

You didn’t say states you said 'Every American Town FFS! My god man stick to what you implied instead of pivoting to conflate it while also avoiding the rest of my question! Nice job!

That’s not going to happen. It’s funny that people bitch about growing numbers of undocumented immigrants coming to America but they love the results and there’s NO support from either side to raid the workplaces that these immigrants are at everyday and round them up and ship them out. So all we have is useless bitching while nothing will ever be done. Even during the Trump administration all he was allowed to do was curb legal immigration….:roll_eyes:

You are beyond an ass at times. Did you bother to read the topic?

You are not the moderator here.
It’s not your site.

You don’t like the topic, the placement of the topic cram it up your ass.

And taxpayers want government goods and services but don’t want to pay for them….

Cut government services, raise the hell out of taxes, or do both, but pay the damn bills with a balanced budget and no debt. Neither party does shit about that. Not even Trump. It would have been one thing if trump would have balanced the budgets as he promised when he braggingly said it would be so easy because he’s a savvy businessman. He signed the biggest budget deficits in American history!!!

Republicans continue to peddle this poppycock that they are the party of small government and fiscal responsibility. What a fucking crock of shit. The federal government had its biggest expansion under Bush than it’s had since FDR….

What? You are getting mad at me because you can’t answer a simple straight forward question then get defensive when getting called out on your own mistake? Its seems to me its you that is acting like the ass here and can’t own up to the fact that you like being obtuse with your responses. Go back reread your own shit here old man! Go smell your farts in phone booth while you are at it too because its about the speed you operate here!

Wyoming, one of the states wuth commonsense.

@beadencup49, Keeping in mind that the entire population of Wyoming is about equal to the population of El Paso Texas though it’s the tenth largest state by land size…

Thousands of U.S. citizens in Wyoming live with at least one family member who is undocumented.

Wyoming is home to hundreds of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.