The Arrogance of US Politicians - Rude Seattle City Council Members

Seattle is a beautiful city however isn’t the most friendly place in the country.

Portland is also a beautiful city and is afflicted with the same type people as Seattle.

Yeah Portland used to be a really cool place, 15 years ago. Now I have no idea what the hell happened. I suspect the weather there has made people crazy and has had a psychological effect on the populace.

I have no doubt that Washington and Oregon are beautiful states. One of my dreams has long been to drive the coastline from Seattle to California…making extended stops along the way…in a plush motor home. I think now I’ll focus on our national parks.

The best Pinot Noirs come from the state of Oregon!

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I didn’t say I’d never buy their products…just won’t go there. I sometimes order wine by the case.

I wasn’t implying that sir! I was simply stating an opinion based on my experience of being there and experiencing the culture. One of the coolest events I went to many years ago, was "The Bite of Portland Festival where you get to experience all the local wines and foods from the area. Living in Asia, Oregon wines is really hard to find.:grinning::grinning:

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A long time ago I did my Basic Training at Ft Lewis. Its was a beautiful state…and I drank my share of Olympia.

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…and I wasn’t implying a harsh reply. Sometimes typed conversation is misleading for lack of facial expressions, tone and inflections of speech. I appreciated your comment. I liked your post.

I sometimes buy items from California despite my firm belief that it has turned into a shithole state. Many years ago, my brother lived there for a decade or so and I visited several times, enjoying each stay…especially a day long tour of Balboa Island.


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They veered far left several years ago and never returned to sanity. Could have been the influx of Californians they’ve had over the years.

Better to make your own.

You can make a better wine that isn’t over oaked, isn’t loaded with preservatives (nitrates). Fewer headaches.

Making it will cost for 4-10 bucks a bottle, the 10 buck wine is better than a store bought wine (30-40 buck) any day of the week.

I no longer but California wine unless I need a few bottles to top off to store for 6 months-a year before bottling.