The Alarm Has Been Sounded Off By FED Chair! LIVE Streaming

We don’t use Gold or silver only the fractional lending system since Nixon closed the gold window altogether in 72

I guess your essay here only proves the adjunct study of being a constitutional scholar takes a certain discipline to master, as many have to be literate on the subject matter for proper interpretation to occur. Hence appointed judges who spent years on this kind of stuff to become a subject matter experts on. I specialize in international Trade Law, so the language aspect in terms of using Caps (CAPA) and other language ornaments for emphasis is one that I always need proof reading before finalizing agreements. There are differences from lets say language use for European countries vs., Asian countries to America and different standards apply in the final ratification of such agreements for each country we end up doing business with.

Which does not invalidate my point: the States are flat out forbidden to use anything that isn’t gold and silver coin. That FRNs are deemed Money is immaterial.

“Money”, as opposed to “money”, when speaking of appropriations is likewise not any old sort of money.

And since Federal Reserve Notes aren’t actually money, and all income is paid to the peasants in Federal Reserve Notes (or digital 1s and 0s representing said notes) what exactly is being taxed when the government taxes income?

I didn’t say FRNs aren’t money, they just aren’t the kind of Money that the several States may use to pay their obligations or, for that matter, really aren’t the kind of Money that Congress can appropriate from the Treasury.

Wait until the dems get done AOC , Harris , Booker and Bernie want to add another 90 TRILLION !

FREE, FREE, FREE ,FREE , sounds like a turbo tax commercial .

That’s cool. I’ll say it. Federal Reserve Notes aren’t actually money. They never were money. They’ll never be money. They were once traded for money, but we stopped actually using that a long long time ago.

Not coincidentally, we stopped using real Money (which FDR confiscated from the People) as we stopped being a Republic governed by the Constitution of the United States.


Actually, not Turbo Tax but a variation on the JG Wentworth slogan … only now it’s “It’s their money and I need it now!”

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