The 8 states where 2020 will be won or lost

The 8 states where 2020 will be won or lost: A POLITICO deep dive

" . . . .while national polls have generated a portrait of Biden holding a commanding lead, it’s something of a mirage. In the swing states that matter, it is trench warfare: Biden’s advantage, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average, is within the margin of error in half of the eight states. And Trump is a president whose support has been notoriously difficult for pollsters to survey.
Consider this fact: From July 2016 until Election Day in the three Rust Belt states that Trump unexpectedly picked off — Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — 94 public polls were released. Trump led in just three of them . . . "


Trump is closing the gap with Biden? (@ 1:00 in the video)
That implies Biden has the lead.

Mainstream media is mainstream media.
Who owns the media?

Fox may be better than CNN but as long as you watch TV all day, you will never get the real picture.

I am not blind to Fox’s shortcomings. I know how to listen and pick out the pertinent information. Mostly I like to listen to Greg Gutfed.

The basic nugget is simple: Polls say Biden and Trump are tied in battleground states, which means Trump will win because he has all the enthusiasm on his side…

Don’t bother with this trolling idiot! He is not American, and is looking for attention! He tells everybody not to watch media then posts YouTube videos insisting it’s the truth! I swear you can’t make this stuff up! Haven’t you notice how he consistently derails threads here?

So says Mr TV himself.
Like I stated many times, I lived in a country which is totally controlled by Washington DC and what transpires in the US affects us directly.

Look who’s talking.
He has no substance, no thinking ability. Just parrots whatever is convenient for the moment. A true mental zombie.

I usually ignore his useless posts but more often than not he gets too personal with many folks here to derail discussions.

More proof he is a mental zombie with a foul mouth.

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I report the news for the purpose of having discussions about topics that are important to me and others here who are actually capable of having conversations! Unlike you who has to digisplain to everyone you reply to by posting useless crap that no one cares about is indicative of a obsessive compulsive liar wanting to feed their narcissistic tendencies with your anti ■■■■■■ conspiracies in almost every thread you participate in!

Just because you are living in a foreign country to which you think is controlled by the US which it is not, does not justify you constantly derailing threads on topics concerning only Americans Nor creating thread topics that are not of your concern! You are not American, you are not a citizen of my country, you don’t pay taxes, therefore your opinions thereof are of no consequence and mean absolutely zero!

You are always posting things on American issues and not of issues of your own country is indeed an example of you looking for attention and any accusation you make towards me is projection on your part. This site will be much better once you are banned from it and that is what needs to happen. You offer zero value here and quite frankly many here not just me are getting tired of your bullshit!

You are the biggest asshole on this site who doesn’t respect this sites rules Nor it’s members and are constantly trying to undermine conversations here! Removing you from it will be the biggest improvement!

I will remember that. I am NOT a fan of foreigners sticking their noses into our politics.

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What affects the actual vote in individual states?

Laws passed by the state regarding voting.
In Colorado they passed same day registration, mail in ballots, have rejected investigations into voter fraud as thee is no voter fraud, popular vote law regarding the electoral college.

In Florida passed law to give most felons the right to vote once they had completed prison, parole and probation.

In Ohio the us it or use it law is under fire and may end before the election. If you miss voting for 2 consecutive years you must not in person before the mail in right is allowed again. Helps eliminates fraud as proof of residency and citizenship is required.

Republicans in the Arizona legislature tried to pass a bill that would have applied the “use it or lose it” rules to the states Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL). The bill would have purged voters who missed two election cycles from the list that permits early voting, which includes about 70 percent of Arizona voters, according to Arizona Advocacy Network Executive Director Joel Edman.
The bill passed the Senate but failed to receive a vote from the full House.

New York Democratic lawmakers sponsored a series of reforms intended to make voting easier in the bright blue state, where turnout consistently lags behind the national average. State lawmakers passed a bill that starting in 2020 allows New York voters 10 days of early access to the ballot box prior to any special, primary, or general elections. Lawmakers also approved a bill that allows 16 and 17-year-olds to pre-register to vote, a bill that automatically transfers voter registrations for people who move within the state and a bill consolidating federal and state primaries.
In 2017, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order restoring the right to vote for parolees.

November 2018 gubernatorial election, a federal judge ordered Georgia election officials to stop rejecting absentee ballots and applications because of mismatched signatures without giving voters the opportunity to fix the issues. How can you possibly fix a absence ballot when the voter is absent???

In Wisconsin:



In November 2018, Democrats swept Republicans out of Wisconsin’s top three statewide offices. Turnout was the highest in two decades, but the margins were thin — GOP Gov. Scott Walkerlost reelection by fewer than 30,000 votes out of 2.7 million cast, while the incumbent attorney general lost by 18,000 votes.

A close analysis showed Democrats owed their victories to increased margins in the blue bastions of Madison and Milwaukee, including 13 wards in Madison that are home to a high concentration of University of Wisconsin students.

Beto O’Rourke shares his Big Idea for new voting rights act

June 18, 201901:26

Before Walker left office, the lame duck GOP legislature convened a special session. Among the laws that the legislature passed, and Walker signed, were two that would have likely cut turnout in both Madison and Milwaukee in the next election. As of July, neither will take effect.
One law prohibited voters from using expired student IDs as identification when they show up to vote. The other limited early voting to two weeks before an election. Dane County, which includes Madison, and Milwaukee County both allow early voting up to six weeks before an election.
The courts struck down most of the laws passed in December’s special session, including the limits on early voting. The Wisconsin Supreme Court then reinstated the laws but not the limit on early voting. For now, pending further legal challenge, the limits on early voting will not become law.
The lame-duck law barring expired student IDs will also not take effect. The director of the state Elections Commission said that barring any additional legal decisions, the rules for the use of identification in future elections will remain the same as they were for the 2018 general election.

Just some of the laws passed in states aimed at turning them solid blue.

You have a better chance among the Lubavitcher crowd and other assorted Zionist lobbyists.

You ARE a fan of Israel, a foreign country.
And they LOVE you for that (as long as you’re a useful idiot).

Yeah, keep with your amateur internet sleuthing for it feeds your cancerous demise! At the end of the day you have nothing to show for your efforts!

Please stop derailing my thread with your insane off-topic rants

I love God. You know NOTHING about the spiritual significance of Israel.

Please stop derailing my thread with your insane off-topic rants


The 8 states where 2020 will be won or lost: A POLITICO deep dive

" . . . .while national polls have generated a portrait of Biden holding a commanding lead, it’s something of a mirage. In the swing states that matter, it is trench warfare: Biden’s advantage, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average, is within the margin of error in half of the eight states. And Trump is a president whose support has been notoriously difficult for pollsters to survey.
Consider this fact: From July 2016 until Election Day in the three Rust Belt states that Trump unexpectedly picked off — Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — 94 public polls were released. Trump led in just three of them . . . "

RUSH: I’ve got some polling data here, and then we’ll get back to the phones. “Trump reaches critical 52% approval rate entering the final election stretch — With just 12 days to go before the election, Trump’s approval rating has popped to 52%.” Now, that is considered — traditionally and historically — the Holy Grail of reelection numbers. This is Rasmussen Reports.

“The president’s rating jumped from 49 to 52%.” It’s a job approval poll. It jumped three points in the three-day rolling average Rasmussen puts out in its Daily Presidential Tracking Poll. So Trump is at 52% approval. That is a key number. Traditionally, if an incumbent president reaches 52% in the final stretch, he doesn’t lose the presidential election.

Fifty-two percent, it’s a magic number, and it’s that… There might be a couple of exceptions to it over the years. But it is firmly established to have happened often enough to be a key indicator. “In addition to the daily approval rating, Rasmussen and others this week have also charted Trump’s rise in the presidential race, tightening to two to three points with Biden.”

So it’s all moving in the right direction. In addition to that, Trump has picked up eight points in Ohio in one month, and the Drive-Bys are quiet. It’s worthy to note that the Drive-By Media is ignoring this. But they made a big deal about Biden being up five in Ohio, and now that he’s gone the opposite way, they are standing mute. They’re conditioning voters to expect Biden to win.

That’s what this all is. But I think the Trump rallies are making the silent voter more bold. I think so more and more people are watching that’s rallies. I think they’re getting a different psychological effect from them. “Fox reported Wednesday that its poll showed a dramatic eight-point shift toward Trump and away from Biden in Ohio,” and this is gonna get even worse after Biden’s performance last night about the oil industry.

This is big in Pennsylvania and Ohio and some of these other states. For the first time in four months, Trump is ahead in the Real Clear Politics average. It’s by less than a point, but everybody considers this the Holy Grail. The Real Clear Politics rolling average, the Poll of Polls, whatever it is. So there’s a Mollie Hemingway story:

“A few days before the first presidential debate, Fox News … released polling showing that the situation for President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign was so dire that he was down five points in Ohio. Ohio! Trump won Ohio by eight points in 2016, but now he was down five with just over a month remaining in the race.

“Liberal[s] were thrilled! The result was major news, and journalists made sure to highlight the result. Folks at the Washington Post, MSNBC, New York Times,” da-da-da-da-da-da-da, “made a big deal about it. Fox News reported Wednesday that its polls showed a dramatic eight-point shift toward Trump and away from Biden,” and guess who’s silent? Drive-By Media.

The trend line is all in Trump’s direction, exactly as it was in 2016. One more. This is Rasmussen. This is the National Daily Black Likely Voter Job Approval for President, and this is something. October 19th through 23rd, 2020. On Monday October 19th, Trump’s approval number among African-American likely voters — job approval — was 25%. The next day, October 20th, it fell a point. Trump’s job approval among black voters, 24%.

This is likely black voters. But on Wednesday it began to change. On Wednesday, October 21st, 31% job approval among black likely voters. Then Thursday, yesterday, 37% job approval black likely voters. Today, 46%. So we’ve gone: Monday, October 19th, 25%; Friday, October 23rd, 46% Black likely voter job approval, Donald Trump. What happened? What happened? The debate happened? Fiddy Cent? What happened?

Something happened.

Real figures should be 10% or less for Biden and 90% or more for Trump.

Fox and Limbaugh are controlled oppositions for the powers that be.
But obviously, something did happen.