American students are literal cry-babies and it’s retarded. About the dumbest shit. The problem is being threatened by fucking ideas and seeking comfort rather than challenges.
Her name is Sarra Tekola and she is a Ford Foundation fellow.
Wow! Very interesting find. I smell the hypocrisy dripping off the charts on this one.
Tekola was previously arrested on felony charges of aggravated assault against a police officer, stemming from her presence at a violent Black Lives Matter protest in October.
All of her charges were dropped and she managed to stay enrolled in college…yet people who took selfies on January 6th are still sitting in solitary confinement.
She gets $27,000 per year from the Ford Foundation fellowship.
So disgraceful! This is so infuriating I am beyond words to express. However that being said friend, there is a rising taking place that has yet to reach the socio-consciness of American society as we speak. Retribution is coming and its going to be ten fold. It starts with the rise against the COVID mandates. This little c**t will get hers in due time.
Nothing screams “la resistance” louder than being a literal corporate stooge.
Hmmmm, isn’t the Ford Foundation a financial donor to BLACK LOSERS MAFIA.
A donor to the GOP too….
These Foundations like to play both sides.They benefit no matter which party is in power.