Cry baby liberal Fascist spent 2 million dollars to have the statue of TR removed because of its depiction of native and Afro Americans. The statute is 80 years old.
Theodore Roosevelt statue removed from American Museum of Natural History : NPR
They did the right thing for a wrong reason.
T Roosevelt was a banksters’ man (just like his namesake).
He and Jacob Schiff helped Japan to fight Romanov Russia (1904-1905) to pave the way for the communist, Bolshevik revolution.
His face from Mt Rushmore should be removed as well.
The big issue I have with TD, was his acquiescence to kill every man, women and child order issued by the Army Commander.(Phillipines) Sounds exactly like a free fire zone in Vietnam.
What’s scary is we never have anyone there to protest these removals in any significant number.
They put a fcuking drape over the statue like it was a brutal scene .
We white Americans are losing the culture… when you lose the culture you lose your woman, and you don’t reproduce. And your society dies
War is a bitch and only the strong survive .
TR was alright in my book. Don’t forget the trust-busting.
Man, how soon people forget history… seriously.
Now the liberals can visit the George Floyd statue and do the 6 minute Biden BS .