SYRIA: What fresh hell is this?

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The UNSC is supposed to be the world’s guarantee of peace. By standing down, the UN is showing the world that as a world organization is both impotent and no longer necessary. Has the UN anywhere in the world intervened and stopped a war or made a deal in between parties. UN agencies have struggled to find ways and means of upholding their responsibility to protect the people of Syria. , U.S. intervention in Syria would not be an issue if the UN Security Council weren’t as obstructionist as U.S. Congress.


Speaking of ignorance, we’ve been operating in Syria in close proximity to Russians and Iranians and have killed a bunch of both over the last two years and yet no major war has broken out has it?

Neither country has any stomach for a real fight with the US much less with the US and any coalition we could put together against them.

Your dad was right. … .

LBJ was more interested in making his friends rich and playing politics with the war than he ever was in winning it.

Unfortunately by the time Nixon took office we no longer had the political will in the country to fight it to a conclusive end. The traitor Cronkite put the final nail in the coffin when he declared we’d lost the war during the Tet Offensive where in fact we’d destroyed the VC as an organization and left the NVA so crippled they could have been mopped up in six months by a troop of half trained boy scouts had we simply turned them loose.

All the UN is good for is to extend conflicts that should be over in a few months or years into conflicts that last generations.

Conflicts don’t end simply because an umpire sends both teams to their sidelines, all that does is leave them simmering till they boil over again.

The conflict in Israel is the best example of all. Every time the Israelis get close to destroying the enemy the UN puts a halt to it and in between they enable the enemy and demonize the Israelis.

Ask yourself why we still have “Peace Keepers” in The Balkans?

That’s an amazing photograph. Not photoshopped either.

Well my thick friend time will tell . :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

You’ve never spoken truer words…barring the ‘thick’ part f it.

Look you’re making a fool of yourself. You claimed we couldn’t operate in close proximity to one another without a major war breaking out. We’ve been operating in close proximity with the Russians for sixty plus years and in close proximity to the Iranians for over forty.

A major war has not broken out with either. Just admit it and move on.

Nope and I don’t hate Joos - it’s what they do I hate.
Talking of hate I just spent the last couple of days celebrating a guy that the Joos hated(and still do) so much they killed him, but its ok for Joos to hate, just not the rest of us?

It’s amazing how close is the relationship between Zionism and Wahabism/Saudi Arabia■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

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Things like the following…

Why can’t we even discuss the Holohoax - what are they scared of?
''Holocaust revisionism is the polar opposite of bigotry, and has nothing to do with “hatred.”

Even at Xmas

I think Trump knows thats why they all hate him so much.

Nope NEVER EVER and a few Hasbara trolls certainly won’t stop me.




Funny that. Whenever Trump wants to do something just claim the opposite position.

Trump should call for open borders and eliminate ICE. :wink:

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You and your sources are both so full of shit and lies it’s almost comical.

There is no “Secret Israeli Intelligence Service” it’s just one more of your lies.

It must suck going through life so filled with hate and ignorance.

Evil is what you specialize in, you embody it heart and soul and wear it like a badge of honor. You are one sick, disgusting human.

MAGOG: Quoting yourself is just social masturbation and I am embarrassed for you and your flaccid words. Have some dignity dude.

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You Hasbara guys do realise that attacking the messenger instead of the message is a dead giveaway that you have lost the argument don’t you

Sometimes its the only way I can get a decent conversation going coz you Hasbara guys are fucking useless