I find it funny all these ■■■ hating conspiracy internet sleuths pontificating on being experts on such subject matters when they weren’t even there or had any role or experience as military or Government personnel in these specific theatres? Didn’t you know on the internet you can be anything you want? Are you running a daycare here TWR?
And again, he was addressing a very specific group of them in Jerusalem.
Some days it feels like as much.
Mostly they seem to be people used to preaching to a closed group who will never challenge their assertions with facts.
Right. The Pharisees.
Today’s Judaics are no different. And YOU choose to be with them.
You keep repeating it but cannot possibly show it to be true.
Nothing but your own blind hatred and prejudice on display as usual.
I showed you a number of times.
Jesus spoke against ALL Pharisees.
(Mathew and John) -
Today’s Judaics are Pharisees by their own admission:
The Pharisees preserved the Pharisaical oral law in the form of the Talmud. They would become the foundation of Rabbinic Judaism.
The sages of the Talmud see a direct link between themselves and the Pharisees, and historians generally consider Pharisaic Judaism to be the progenitor of Rabbinic Judaism, that is normative, mainstream Judaism after the destruction of the Second Temple. All mainstream forms of Judaism today consider themselves heirs of Rabbinic Judaism and, ultimately, the Pharisees.)
- You are with the Pharisees and, therefore, you are against Jesus. It’s a plain fact and it has nothing to do with hatred and prejudice.
But in the same breath you expect us to believe GAWD promised Palestine to the Joos.
I’ve never even mentioned that here or on any other website that I remember.
So does that mean you don’t believe Gawd promised Palestine to da Joos?
I take it from your silence that you don’t believe.
So if he didn’t, what possible justification is there for the state of Israel?
Apart from the Holohoax there is none.
The State of Israel is founded on a hoax.
Consequently, it will have no right to exist when the hoax is exposed.
That’s why they do everything to deny the truth
How about you just don’t attribute things to me I never said?
Yet all of the actual evidence shows this to be nothing but a hateful lie.
Why cant’ you make an argument supported by fact?
Since you cannot some self examination is in order.
I didn’t - I only asked if you believe - my assumption, bc you didn’t answer was that you you don’t believe Gawd promised Palestine to Joos.
If you don’t refute that statement I think it is reasonable to assume that you don’t ‘‘believe’’.
If the Holohoax was true, there would be evidence of 6 million bodies somewhere and there is none - no body no crime.
You don’t really seem to understand how cremation works or that the remains are then crushed and ground.
What remains is bone meal which is used as a fertilizer and soil amendment.
Mass graves of those not cremated were found all over Germany and Nazi Occupied Europe, particularly Eastern Europe.
Ok I’ll address that later.
But you still haven’t refuted my assumption that you don’t believe Gawd promised Palestine to the ■■■■■
Your previous post seems to confirm my assumption
Mass graves?
Weren’t the bodies incinerated in the crematoria?
Get the story straight, will ya?
People die, whether peace time or war time.
Isn’t there a cemetery in your town?
If there isn’t one, I might believe you.
Many atrocities were committed by satanic Bolshevik ■■■■■ who conveniently put the blame on Germans.
It isn’t that difficult to understand if you try.
It was only after it became obvious that the methods being used such as digging mass graves and lining people up beside them would never be adequate to execute the “Final Solution” in a timely and efficient manner that mass extermination via gas and disposing of the bodies in mass graves then in crematoriums was arrived at.
Early in the war there was no shortage of such things as petroleum and bullets, later as the war dragged on those shortages were created and grew to critical levels.
Mass graves were still used even after the camps were built when mass killings were done at sites far away from the camps because it was more efficient than transporting them again due to the shortage of resources.
No, there is no crematorium in in my town, most do not have them and none have the large ovens that the camps had for cremation of large numbers of bodies at a time on an industrial scale.
Whether God promised it to them is irrelevant. Israel was the home of the ■■■■ and Israel for thousands of years.
Following WWII after the IJA and other organizations had bought up much of the land there ■■■■ mainly from Europe migrated back.
They’ve fought four wars for that land just since 48 and won them all, it’s their’s by natural right and by right of conquest.