Well, thank God Dresden wasn’t nuked. But then, there is really only one degree of death. You figure the innocent who died in Dresden were less dead than those in Hiroshima & Nagasaki? Give me - us a break already
Germans are now busy allowing rabid immigrants to destroy their country. And guess what, it’s becoming quite popular in a lot of Europe. Of course I cannot blame the man on the street German; just the people they allow in power. The ones who have armed bodyguards & secure living areas. And yet the average German is forbidden to arm themselves. Go figure.
No, did I say that???
Dresden was a crime too, as was the crime of fire bombing Tokyo. In fact General Curtis LeMay, in charge of it told his subordinate that if the US didn’t win the war he would be charged with war crimes. There were many cognizant of the crimes committed during that war, and hopefully, at least on that scale, we never do so again.
Retribution is what your witnessing there.
And what does Germany owe these cretins?
And in the scenarios of all out war and victory in Vietnam, neither China, nor Russia would have stood idly by.
In a future anti Jihad all out war scenario, what would 1.5 billion Muslims do in response?
Anti Jihad move would probably be a shit storm; but better to die on your feet than die groveling. Radical Muslims are totally out of control, and they will never ever stop. The violence is almost an ingrained genetic trait. There is no diplomacy when you are dealing with a rabid animal. Sometimes it’s necessary to make the word hold it’s breath.
Are you interested in a simpler alternative solution?
I have one, but most people will and do resist it.
A peaceful solution is always best. But how do you communicate with people who are anchored to the 7th century; and who follow the doctrines of a lunatic. I don’t see a Koran that parallels our New Testament. Even the Golden Age of Islam was squashed by Muslim religious fanatics who feared enlightenment.
The war would have been waged much longer without those fire bombings.
THAT would have meant more lives lost.
Look at each of these so called war crimes as statements to a resistant enemy that their hopes for victory were futile.
Without these statements the Germans and Japs would have persisted.
The Koran tells Muslims to fight the idolators until they feel themselves subdued.
Until they cry, UNCLE.
That is why the Left continues to make trouble for America.
They have not felt themselves thoroughly beaten.
I didn’t say Germany owes them anything. But Germany would have done well not to have participated in the US’s folly, including the illegal invasion of Iraq.
You’re justifying the killing of the innocent. Remember, that’s what is done every time Islamic extremists kill innocents.
Simply say, NO.
No more Muslims allowed in.
Strict regulation of the Muslims already here.
Basically, arresting those who commit crimes and deporting those who dont qualify to be here and treating the rest of them as members of an outlawed political group intent upon overthrowing the US government.
But that would take educating America about political Islam.
And most of the readers in the Political Bullpen community havent read or watched the things I have posted about political Islam and we are political observers.
So think about how America defers to Muslims and protects them because of the false beliefs we have which have been programmed into us by the media.
We could close the door to Muslims and make it difficult for them to continue their creeping Jihad, but we are allergic to becoming informed.
So, war is our alternative solution but until that war happens, most strong patriots do nothing. They just place all their hopes in the basket marked.
“Overwhelming Firepower When the Time is Right.”
And when THAT fails, we will lose to Islam.
It is the reality that is inherent in war.
It is what the Prophet Mohammed understood. And the same formula is what governs all war.
Innocent lives and guilty lives will be lost and treasure will be spent and when the losses convince the leaders to give up, the war ends.
Is there any problem or conflict that is not America’s fault. What about the 1,000s of years of insanity before America existed. We are the new kid on the human misery block. I guess we are responsible for Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Po Pot. North Korean atrocities, the Islamic ( Religion of Peace ) slave trade ( that still exists ), bride burning in India; and would you like me to continue.
Again you’re justifying killing innocent woman and children. In this case, targeting and killing them.
Just remember, if the US ever suffers the grave misfortune of a nuclear missile from North Korea or somewhere else to land on one of our cities. They too will justify the targeting and killing of the innocent.
Prophet? Mohammed was a degenerate. Jesus & the Buddha were prophets. I don’t recall either spreading their word by violence.
Sure, all the ones that we had no involvement in.
Don’t like those fingers pointing back do ya.
I dont need to challenge Jihadists on minor points.
And what does that get you?
What is the point?
The point is to give other patriots information they can use to discredit the Jihadis online and stop them from controlling the narrative.
Bill Warner, PhD: To Know Islam, Know Mohammed
THIS is the ammo you can use to win the battles online.
THESE are the arrows for your quiver.
Not attitude.
It is only 4 minutes long.
Another thing, we are not debating which religion or ideology is better.